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Showing posts with label Uncategorized. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 March 2023




  • Collie puppies - before buying
  • What is the price of collie puppies?
  • 3 Little-Known Facts About Calluses
  • 1. Queen Victoria loved them.
  • 2. Collie broke all records.
  • 3. They have jobs.
  • Temperament and Intelligence of the Collie.
  • Are these dogs good for families?
  • Does this breed get along with other pets?
  • Things to know when owning a collie.
  • Diet and Dietary Requirements.
  • exercise
  • Grooming
  • Health and conditions.
  • Male versus female.
  • Final thoughts.

Height:53 cm
weight:15-30 kg
Lifetime:10-14 years
the color:White, Tricolor, Blue Merle, Sable, Sable Merle, Sable and White.
Suitable for:Active families, people who have time to train these active dogs.
Mood :Intelligent, friendly, loyal and active.
Collies are friendly and intelligent dogs that make very loyal companions. They are very affectionate with their families and sometimes anticipate their owners' needs.

Originally, Collies come from Scotland, specifically the Highlands. Here, they were used as herding dogs. While still sometimes used for this purpose, many are now family pets. They are sensitive animals and do not like to be alone for long periods of time. They will treat your family members as their pack and show true loyalty.

Collie puppies - before buying

What is the price of collie puppies?
A purebred collie puppy purchased from an AKC (American Kennel Club) registered breeder will cost between $900-$2,000. If you are interested in buying a puppy, you can expect to pay on the high end.

3 Little-Known Facts About Calluses

1. Queen Victoria loved them.

Queen Victoria was a lover of all dogs but in the 1860s, she declared herself a particular fan of the collie - loving the working collie above all. She often accuses them of 'spoiling' the race due to soft contact with them. Her love for the breed inspired women to take an interest in dogs in general, leading to the formation of the Ladies' Kennel Club, which aimed to prevent animal cruelty. They specifically wanted to stop docking tails and cutting ears because they felt it was both unnecessary and cruel

2. Collie broke all records.

Black dogs have broken many world records. Chaser, a border collie is considered to be the smartest dog in the world. She knows the names of 1000 different objects and can distinguish between them. Jumpy, a border collie, claims the title of 'Best Skateboarding Dog' - setting a Guinness World Record when he skated 100 meters in 20 seconds.

3. They have jobs.

As well as being popular family pets, Kallies have acted as actors in several popular films, including. Baby , snow dogs. , and farm animals . Some callies act as 'goose masters' - their job is to scare geese away from people's homes. A cat named Bee is the swan master at the University of North Florida and keeps the swans away from high traffic areas. Bred to herd, many Callies work on farms and work with farmers to raise sheep. Another popular job for collies is being part of search and rescue teams. Their agility, speed, and keen sense of smell make them perfect for this job.

Temperament and Intelligence of the Collie.

Kals are active dogs and love nothing more than a 'job', whether it's retrieving a ball or herding sheep. They need a lot of exercise and get bored easily if they don't get enough exercise. That being said, when they are done with 'work' for the day, they will happily embrace each other.

Collies come in a variety of colors, have an athletic build, and can be short, long or medium haired. Their almond eyes, known as the 'herding eye', are one of their most famous features. Collies are the most agile and agile of the canine family and will think nothing of jumping over fences or stiles while on the move. Their intelligence makes them easy to train and they thrive on both food and attention. The key to a happy, well-trained cat is to do one thing.

Are these dogs good for families?

Collies can be extremely well suited to family life and will enjoy running around with energetic children. They are very loyal and will treat their family as their pack.

Collies can be nervous around strangers and often bark when they are not believed or threatened. Likewise, it's worth being careful when your collie is meeting small children. Little children's actions are unpredictable, something Collies don't like. Callies are known to snap at their heels as they try to herd them.

Callies love to have company at all times, so are perfect for those who work from home or don't work. Collies love to learn new tricks and will easily pick up new commands or skills.

Does this breed get along with other pets?

Callies will get along well with other animals if socialized from a young age. Their favorite people will own them, so they won't show as much interest in other dogs when they go out for a walk. That being said, if you already own another dog or animal, a collie will easily learn to live with them if introduced from a young age.

As with small children, a collie's herding instincts around other animals can take over so you try to 'round up' them to your other pets. To be safe, it is best to monitor them at all times.

Things to know when owning a collie.

Diet and Dietary Requirements.

This will vary depending on their age. They are active dogs so most need two meals a day that are a complete, balanced dog food. You can also feed them treats from time to time as rewards. Remember, treats should not take up more than 10 percent of their daily calories.


Collies are very active, active dogs. The average collie will need two hour-long lead walks a day.


Kali sheds her fur in spring and autumn as well as at least all year round. Brush their coat a few times a week to keep it shiny and healthy while also removing dead skin and hair cells. Long-haired collies will naturally take more care on the grooming front than short- or medium-coated individuals.

Health and conditions.

  • Minor circumstances.
  • Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome.
  • Ceroid lipofuscinosis.
  • Epilepsy
Serious situations.
  • Multi-drug resistance.
  • Collie eye anomaly
  • Hip dysplasia.

Male versus female.

When getting a puppy for the first time, there will not be much difference in the behavior of male and female dogs. However, the larger they are, the more prominent these differences become.

Physically, male dogs will be taller, weigh more, and have an overall better appearance than their female counterparts. Male callies have broad heads and deep chests, and their tails are 'fluffer' or more specifically 'feather duster'-like. Male dogs often want more attention than females and may be more eager to cuddle.

Final thoughts.

Collies are amazing dogs that can make great pets or working dogs. Their energetic nature and natural inclination to be on the move means you should only consider a Collie if you are willing and able to give them the exercise they need. Without it, your collie will soon become bored and 'naughty'. This job could be shepherding sheep or fetching a ball on a walk. Training a Choli to compete in agility courses is a great way to keep your dog entertained, entertained and well behaved.

Extremely loyal, Collies make fantastic companions and become valuable members of your 'pack'. Once you've got a black cat as part of your family, it's hard to choose another dog breed.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Border Leicester sheep - animalscity



  • Quick facts about the Border Leicester sheep
  • Review of Border Leicester
  • How much does Border Leicester cost?
  • General attitude and temperament.
  • Appearance and types.
  • How to Care for Border Leicester Sheep
  • Residence, setup, shelter.
  • Do Border Collies get along with other pets?
  • What to Feed Your Border Collie
  • Keeping Your Border Collie Healthy
  • Breeding
  • Is Border Leicester right for you?
Border Leicester sheep

You may have seen Border Leicester sheep back in the 1995 hit film Babe. In the film, Border Leicesters debut as farm sheep who listen to a talking, sheep-herding pig.

These sheep have a calm personality, desirable wool, lots of meat, and good milk production. Their versatility makes them a no-brainer—a flock you want to have on your property. Let's learn more about these broad-faced, bold darlings.

Quick facts about the Border Leicester sheep

Species Name:Ois Aries
family name:Bovidy.
Level of care:Intermediate
temperature:Most of the weather.
Mood:Calm down, calm down.
Color Form:White, black nose.
Lifetime:13 years
Size:200-380 lbs.
Food:Feed, hay, plant matter.
Minimum Land:6-10 sheep per acre.
Shelter Setup:Windbreak.

Review of Border Leicester

Border Leicester sheep were originally a British breed, but have since expanded their reach. George Washington is said to have brought Border Leicesters to America to live in small herds on farms.

By the 1940s, wool production declined significantly due to industrialization and modernization. After that, we sheep didn't need their wool. However, thanks to master crafters, interest in sheep's wool rekindled in the 1970s—and has continued to grow ever since.

You can find them today in small flocks across the US. They also pop up around the world in Australia, Japan and many countries in Europe.

Border Leicester sheep also serve as a source of meat and in some cases offer a milk supply.

How much does Border Leicester cost?

If you buy a Border Collie, you can expect to pay about $300 per ewe. The final price will depend on the quality and conditions. Since sheep are herd-minded animals, you should have at least five.

You also have to consider overall maintenance costs, which run about $200 per year.

General attitude and temperament.

Border Lester Ewes are known for their gentle, friendly nature and their excellent mothering instincts. They take excellent care of their young during pregnancy and give birth to very healthy and fast growing lambs.

As far as sheep are concerned, Border Lesters are quite smart. They seem to take direction well and show obedience and compliance.

They make excellent candidates for 4H projects and displays because they are easy to manage.

Appearance and types.

Border Leicester sheep are one of the largest long wool breeds, ranking third. They have a distinct black Roman nose with white wool, and their ears are small and pointed.

The Border Leicester has a broad, muscular frame. They are strong, fit and healthy to boot.

Due to the desirable traits of the Border Leicester, breeders have used the breed many times to create several crossbreds.

How to Care for Border Leicester Sheep

Caring for your flock of Border Leicester sheep is not a difficult task. If you familiarize yourself with the environment type, interaction care and shelter, they require, the rest should follow easily.

Residence, setup, shelter.


Sheep graze 8 hours a day. They will need an area with lots of lush grasses and shrubs to forage.


Border Leicester sheep need lots of room to roam. You should have at least one acre of land for a flock of 10 sheep. Increase these numbers depending on how many sheep you buy.


Sheep can live in open spaces as long as they have some shelter to escape from the elements. You can use a windbreak or overhead shelter that is not closed. Or if you do, you can wrangle the troops and move them to the barn every night.

The bed

You can basically use a selection of options when choosing the type of bed. However, usually the cheapest and easiest option is traditional straw. It's easy to clean and replace and keeps them warm and comfortable.

Do Border Collies get along with other pets?

Being herd animals, Border Collies get along perfectly with their herd mates.

Because of the Border Leicester's calm demeanor, they will likely get along with the animals they grew up with. This includes other types of livestock and domestic animals.

What to Feed Your Border Collie

If you were raising a flock of Border Collies, you'd want to make sure you were giving them all the nutrition they needed. Especially if you will be raising or milking sheep, you need to ensure that their diet is rich in fatty omega-3 acids and plant protein.

As an adult, you can also feed your Border Collies feed and hay. These sheep require less feed than other breeds because they keep most of their nutrients fresh in the field.

Keeping Your Border Collie Healthy

Regular maintenance is essential to the success of your herd. Because sheep live in large numbers, if one of them contracts an illness or disease, it can spread like wildfire throughout the flock, posing deadly risks to all members. Vaccinations and checkups are excellent preventive measures to avoid unwanted health problems.

Sheep need their hooves trimmed every 6 to 10 weeks. Frequency slows with age.

Flocks can be quite vulnerable, so protecting your flock from predators is just as important to the health of your flock. Make sure any fences are secure and free of holes. Each square must be small enough to contain the sheep and prevent intruders.


Border Leicester sheep are revered for their wonderful mothering instincts. This leads to growth.

Ewes become mature between six and eight months. Their gestation period is about 150 days. While an Eva can get pregnant more than once a year, the odds are low.

Is Border Leicester right for you?

If you are looking for a flock that is easy to maintain and exceptionally financially productive, these sheep are an award-winning choice. They will give you back what you gave them. However, owning a flock of sheep will not work for every situation. You must first make sure that your house and land are suitable.

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#Border Leicester sheep

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Thursday, 20 October 2022

11 Benefits of Having a Pet



  • 11 Best Benefits of Having a Pet:
  • 1. You make more friends.
  • 2. You're more likely to avoid a heart attack.
  • 3. Adopting animals can help with PTSD.
  • 4. Adopting a pet can lower blood pressure.
  • 5. Dogs can help addicts recover.
  • 6. Reduction in the need for medication.
  • 7. Pets make great wingmen.
  • 8. Free adoption of critical resources.
  • 9. Adoption is less expensive.
  • 10. You can take your pet home immediately.
  • 11. You are a hero
  • Abstract
11 Benefits of Having a Pet

If you're thinking about bringing a new pet into your home, whether it's a reptile or a dog, one of the first questions people ask is whether they should visit a local animal shelter. I should adopt a pet or buy from a breeder. While there are certainly some advantages to buying from a breeder, we're hoping you'll choose to adopt your pet, and we've compiled a list with several reasons we hope to convince you. may think that this is a option better. Read on as we explain why it's best to adopt your next pet.

11 Best Benefits of Having a Pet:

1. You make more friends.

It may seem strange that adopting a pet can help you make more friends, but it's true, especially if your pet is a dog. A dog will force you to leave your home because it needs frequent walks, so you'll run into people you start to recognize on those trips. These people will become friends with time. Even if you're not adopting a dog, you'll find many people with the same animal who have similar questions about how to properly care for them. This endless search for answers will make you many friends along the way. Adopting your own pet will make you even more popular because you are a hero.

2. You're more likely to avoid a heart attack.

A study in the American Journal of Cardiology shows that pet owners have a better chance of survival at least one year after a heart attack. Also the study suggests that dogs are the most effective because one dog only owner died during the study.

3. Adopting animals can help with PTSD.

We've all seen videos of soldiers reuniting with their dogs, and most of us recognize that dogs can help us through difficult times in our lives. Walter Reed Memorial Hospital even has a program to help rehabilitate soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder. The good news for non-dog owners is that any pet can help us through these difficult times because we care for them, and they need us.

4. Adopting a pet can lower blood pressure.

According to a Harvard Health paper, several studies show that dog owners generally have lower blood pressure than non-dog owners. Most experts agree that dogs and other pets have a calming effect on humans. Dogs also help owners be more active, which can help lower blood pressure.

5. Dogs can help addicts recover.

Stress and other environmental factors can cause relapse in addiction and alcohol recovery. Adopting a pet can be a great way to help reduce stress levels to make recovery more manageable. In fact, some rehabilitation centers, such as Promise, already use dogs as part of their treatment programs.

6. Reduction in the need for medication.

Some studies show that having a dog assist in rehabilitation therapy after surgery can reduce the need for human medication by up to 28 percent. Most experts suggest that it's the pet's ability to relieve stress and lower blood pressure that leads to less pain, so less need for medication.

7. Pets make great wingmen.

Both men and women have plenty of stories of using their dogs as a way to meet potential mates. Walking your pet will put you in touch with many people, and some may become more than just friends.

8. Free adoption of critical resources

Main reasons one of the we encourage people to adopt instead of using a breeder or pet store is that doing so will help free up resources that can help other pets in need. Most shelters are at or near capacity and don't have the funding or support from the community to keep pets long-term, so it's important to adopt when possible.

9. Adoption is less expensive.

11 Benefits of Having a Pet

You can usually adopt even rare animals from a breeder or pet store. In many cases, foster pets will have already received some of the shots they need and may even be spayed or neutered, which in some cases will save you the initial purchase price. Saves hundreds of dollars.

10. You can take your pet home immediately.

If you're used to dealing with breeders, you know that many have a long process you have to go through before you get your dog, which can last for months, and that's why That is if there aren't already many people waiting ahead of you. In some cases, you may have to wait a year or more before you can take your pet home. Adoption is very quick, and you can usually take your pet home the same day.

11. You are a hero

The best reason we can give you to adopt a pet is that you are saving its life. As we mentioned earlier, most animals are at maximum capacity and receive little help to feed and shelter the animals. The longer an animal sits in a shelter, the more likely it is to die. According to PETA, animal shelters take in more than 6 million animals each year, but nearly 4 million are homeless. Many animals die in brutal and painful ways. You can help prevent this problem by adopting our pets at the shelter and making sure your pet is spayed or neutered, so it doesn't end up as a homeless animal.


We feel that the best reason to adopt a pet rather than buying it from a pet store or breeder is that you are saving that pet's life. Adoption almost always saves you a lot of money, and you can usually take the pet home. You're also freeing up resources so that animals in need can get shelter, food, and treatment that they might not otherwise get. If you've ever adopted a pet that spent some time in a shelter, they are especially grateful to you and give you lots of love and affection that only grows with time.

We hope you enjoyed reading our list, and that it helped answer your questions. If we've convinced you to avoid the pet store and breeders for your next pet, please share these 11 benefits of adopting a pet on Facebook and Twitter.

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#11 Benefits of Having a Pet

#Pet    #Pet animals   #animals city

Sunday, 9 October 2022

10 Best Hamster Wheels of 2023 - Reviews & Top Picks


10 Best Hamster Wheels of 2023 - Reviews & Top Picks


  • 10 Best Hamster Wheels
  • 1. Suncoast Wodent Wheel Hamster - Best Overall.
  • 2. Ware Flying Saucer Exercise Wheel Hamster - Best Value.
  • 3. Exotic Nutrition Silent Runner Hamster Whale - Premium Choice
  • 4. Kaytee Silent Spinner Hamster Wheel
  • 5. Prevue Pet Wire Mesh Hamster Wheel
  • 6. Mojito Comfort Hamster Wheel.
  • 7. Petzilla PHW-1 Calm Hamster Exercise Wheel.
  • 8. Ware Metal Tread Hamster Exercise Wheel.
  • 9. Zacro Hamster Exercise Wheel.
  • 10. ZOOPOLR Silent Spinner Exercise Wheel
  • Buyer's Guide: How to Choose the Best Hamster Wheel
  • Noise
  • to fasten
  • Privacy screen.
  • Chew proof.
  • Snag proof.
  • Mountable
  • Result

The exercise wheel is your hamster's lifeline. It occupies their time and helps them stay healthy. But, unfortunately, in the hamster wheel market, there are some disparities in quality that can make it difficult to find the right product.

You want your hamster wheel to be safe, interesting for your pet, and of course, chew-proof! The problem is that it can be very difficult to know if a product checks all of these boxes until you've already purchased it.

Our hamster wheel reviews can help with that. We've taken a look at a bunch of products, our list contains only the best hamster wheels, so read on!

10 Best Hamster Wheels

1. Suncoast Wodent Wheel Hamster - Best Overall

The Suncoast Sugar Glider features an 11-in. The unit prioritizes your pet's safety with a "Tail Guard"—a safety infrastructure designed to protect your pet's tail, fur, and feet from snagging.

The wheel is also designed to be quieter and comes with an axle that is pre-lubricated for performance. It's also impressively durable and should stand up well to chewing.

Finally, the unit can be attached to the inside of your cage via attachment wiring.

You may want to note that fixtures that prevent your pet from snagging their tails also make the wheel very difficult to clean.

Overall, we think this is the best hamster wheel of 2023.

  • 11 inch diameter.
  • tail guard
  • Works quietly.
  • Prove to chew.
Cons of
  • Cleaning is not very easy.

2. Ware Flying Saucer Exercise Wheel Hamster - Best Value

Ware is the best hamster exercise wheel for the money. This unit is unique for the fact that it has a disc shape. The platform your pet stands on is plastic and completely resistant to tail, and foot splashes. Apart from being very affordable, it also benefits from being easy to clean and completely silent.

Unfortunately, the unit is very fragile. A little wear and tear (or even a few exploratory bites) can mean the end of this product. However, if your hamster is comfortable with the things you put in its crate, you shouldn't have any problems.

  • cheapness
  • Completely silent.
  • Resistant to tail snags.
  • Easy to clean.
Cons of
  • Not very durable.

3. Exotic Nutrition Silent Runner Hamster Whale - Premium Choice

The exotic feeder has a unique, axle-free design that ensures completely silent operation. And, because there's no axle, that means there's nothing for your pet to get its tail tangled in. It is further protected by a plastic "privacy plate" that keeps your hamster securely in the wheel.

The tracks are made from a "slip-proof" material to ensure your pet's stability and the stand is made of heavy-duty metal to ensure longevity.

Unfortunately, the privacy plate also makes cleaning the wheel a bit difficult. The wheel can be disassembled for easy maintenance, but this will, of course, add time to the overall process.

  • Slip-proof material.
  • Completely silent.
  • Privacy plate
  • Very durable.
Cons of
  • Difficult to clean.
  • Expensive

4. Kaytee Silent Spinner Hamster Wheel

Katie is perfect for a quiet stroll. It has a plastic design and has ball bearings instead of axles. This feature helps keep it quiet and prevents your pet from grabbing its tail. Safety is further enhanced with plastic wheels that have no way to catch your hamster's feet. The wheel can be free-standing in your pet's cage, or mounted on the wall via attached wires.

Unfortunately, many users complain that the wheel is too fragile. Users report that the pieces begin to loosen and deteriorate after prolonged use, which means you'll probably have to replace it at some point.

  • be quite.
  • All plastic design.
  • No tail pulling.
Cons of
  • Deteriorates over time.

5. Prevue Pet Wire Mesh Hamster Wheel

Prevue Pet Products is a traditional, style-mesh wheel hamster. The metal construction keeps the unit durable, ensuring that it can be maintained indefinitely. The wheel is 8 inches and can be purchased in different colors (purple, red, blue and pink).

It is also a very affordable bike, which will be great for buyers on a budget. However, there are some issues to note.

We also noticed that it's significantly noisier than other options on our list. If you're looking for something quiet, this might not be the product you want to go with.

  • Very affordable.
  • Durable
Cons of
  • Hamster feet can be caught.
  • Very noisy

6. Mojito Comfort Hamster Wheel

The Mojito is a basic, but affordable 6-inch wheel. It is mainly made of plastic but has a metal base. Alternatively, you can mount the unit to the wall of your cage. If you're in the market for something simple but serviceable, this will do the trick.

However, there are some concerns that you may want to note. For one thing, it's extremely squeaky, which can get very annoying. It is also not sustainable. Plastic can break down over time, especially if your hamster chews on things. Still, if finding something affordable is your primary concern, this wheel will do just fine.

  • cheapness
  • Can be cage mounted or free standing.
Cons of
  • Not very durable.
  • Very sobbing.

7. Petzilla PHW-1 Calm Hamster Exercise Wheel

Patzilla is a 7.5 inch wheel made entirely of wood. The material is easy to clean, and provides your hamster with a firm grip on the surface, thus, minimizing the risk of slipping. It is completely silent and can rest on a stand or mount directly on the wall of your cage.

You should keep in mind that this is one of the more expensive options on our list—probably because of the all-wood construction. It's also worth noting that this material may encourage nibbling. Hamsters love to chew on wood, which will naturally be too irritating for long-term stability.

  • High quality content.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Can be mounted directly on the cage wall.
Cons of
  • Very expensive.
  • Hamsters can forcefully suppress it.

8. Ware Metal Tread Hamster Exercise Wheel

The Ware Manufacturing tread exercise wheel is an inexpensive, all-metal product that should last indefinitely. The metal is chew-proof and coated in powder resin that makes cleaning easy.

Unfortunately though, to get the cheapest price, you need to make several concessions. Build quality is a major issue. The wheel rotates significantly, which can make it difficult for your hamster to use.

It is also very noisy. The wheel is significantly dented, which will annoy everyone in the house.

  • All metal.
  • cheapness
Cons of
  • Very noisy
  • Not very well constructed.

9. Zacro Hamster Exercise Wheel

The Zacro is a completely silent, 8.7-inch, all-plastic product designed to be safe and clean. Since there are no axles or mesh, there's no way for your pet's feet or tail to get caught. The plastic is also completely transparent which makes it a little easier to see stains that need cleaning.

You should note that this is one of the more expensive options on our list. Buyers on a budget will probably gravitate toward something more affordable. The unit is also difficult to assemble and has no wall-mounting hardware, which will make it unusable for some.

  • Easy to clean.
  • Safe for pets.
Cons of
  • Collecting is difficult.
  • No mounting hardware.
  • Expensive

10. ZOOPOLR Silent Spinner Exercise Wheel

Zoopolier is an affordable, all-plastic spinning wheel. It has a diameter of 4.7 inches and should be easy to clean. It's also designed to be quiet, which will be great for those who have hamsters that are active at night.

However, there are some things need you to keep in mind. For one thing, it's not super durable, which means you may need to replace it several times over the course of your pet's life.

It's also quite small, which means the majority of hamsters might find it a bit cramped. Ultimately, it's not terrible for shoppers on a budget, but there are better options available for people spending a few extra dollars.

  • cheapness
  • Easy to clean.
Cons of
  • Not very durable.
  • Can be tight.

Buyer's Guide: How to Choose the Best Hamster Wheel

Now that you've seen what's out there, it might be helpful to review some specific shopping ideas.


Hamster wheels are infamous. This is particularly troubling because, like most rodents, hamsters are primarily nocturnal. With a squeaky wheel, you may find yourself permanently frustrated.

Fortunately, many units make a point of eliminating the factor noise. There are a few ways to accomplish this, but trading the spinning axles for ball bearings seems to be the most efficient method.

Conversely, you can eliminate squeaking by oiling your wheels regularly

to fasten

A traditional hamster wheel has a metal mesh, and while this design concept is quite durable, it can prove cumbersome. When there are gaps in the running surface, you always have to contend with the possibility that your hamster's foot could get caught.

For this reason, the majority of products on our list have a completely solid running surface.

Privacy screen.

Some of the options on our list include "privacy screens"—plastic panels that give your hamster a little privacy while exercising. The real benefit of this feature is that it makes the wheel a little safer—virtually eliminating the possibility that it could slip off the wheel.

Unfortunately, Privacy Screen complicates the cleaning process somewhat. Nooks and crannies make wheels significantly more difficult to wipe.

Chew proof.

Hamsters love to chew. In general, metal is completely resistant to chewing, but some plastic materials can withstand the occasional bite. Manufacturers usually advertise if their product is chew-proof.

Snag proof.

Although rare, hamsters experience tail or skin irritation with traditional exercise wheels. That being said, you want to look for something with a snag-proof design. Products that eliminate exfoliation are slightly better at reducing your pet's chances of snagging.


When you buy a hamster wheel that doesn't come with a cage, they usually feature a built-in stand. However, many pet owners prefer to save space by attaching the wheel directly to the cage wall. If you're clever enough, you can probably figure out a way to do this with any wheel.

However, it's safer and more convenient when you can find something that includes mounting hardware.


Have our hamster wheel reviews hooked you on a product yet? If not, it might help to revisit the best hamster wheels on this list. For example, if you don't mind spending a decent chunk of change on your hamster wheel, you'll probably find a lot of appreciation in our top pick, the Suncoast Sugar Gliders Vidant Wheel.

And, of course, we didn't forget budget shoppers when we were making our list. If you need to save some money while still getting a viable product, take a look at our runner-up, the Ware 3282 Flying Saucer Exercise Wheel.

Ultimately though, all 10 products featured here are designed to be safe and effective, so there's no mistakes.

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#10 Best Hamster Wheels of 2021 - Reviews & Top Picks

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  #hamster wheel

Friday, 7 October 2022

8 Best Hamster Toys of 2023 - Reviews and Top Picks


  • 8 Best Hamster Toys
  • 1. Prevue Hendryx Nature's Hideaway Ball Hamster Toy - Best Overall.
  • 2. Kaytee Hamster Chew Toy - Value Best
  • 3. Night Angel Tunnel Exploring Hamster Toy - Premium Choice.
  • 4. Kitty hamster exercise ball toy.
  • 5. Night Angel Hamster Chew Toys.
  • 6. Ware Manufacturing 3292 Fun Tunnel Toy.
  • 7. Prevue Hendryx Nature's Hideaway Hamster Tunnel Toy
  • 8. Kitson hamster nest toy.
  • Buyer's Guide: How to Find the Best Toy Hamster Toy
  • Natural ingredients.
  • Is it chew proof?
  • Does the toy attract your pet?
  • Does the toy stimulate your pet?
  • Is it easy to clean?
  • exercise
  • Price
  • Different type.
  • Appropriateness
  • Result
8 Best Hamster Toys of 2023 - Reviews and Top Picks

Your hamster needs exercise and play. Decorating their cage with an ample selection of toys will help ensure that your pet is healthy and happy. But how do you know if a toy is safe? Or even if the average hamster wants to play with it?

We highlight in this guide eight toys that hamsters go nuts for. We've included options that can accommodate a wide range of budgets and pet behaviors. With that in mind, read some hamster toy reviews!

8 Best Hamster Toys

1. Prevue Hendryx Nature's Hideaway Ball Hamster Toy - Best Overall

Handmade, Prevue is made entirely from all-natural grass to ensure it will be safe for your pet to consume. The unit is shaped like a ball and has crevices in which your hamster can indulge his natural urges to hide and burrow.

Even the smell is apt to intrigue your pet. The unit emits a sweet, all-natural scent that hamsters really love. Finally, the diameter is about 99 inches, making it compatible with larger animals, such as ferrets or guinea pigs.

The big problem is that it won't last long. Since it's basically just a ball of dried grass, a few exploratory cuts will render it essentially useless in the long run, and it'll be expensive to replace multiple times.

Overall, we think this is the best hamster toy of 2023.

  • Made by hand
  • All natural grass.
  • Crevice features for burial and concealment.
  • Releases a natural scent that attracts hamsters.
Cons of
  • Breaks down quickly.

2. Kaytee Hamster Chew Toy - Value Best

For those who need something more affordable, we have Katie. Our best hamster toy for the money product offers three carrot-sized toys. These are the best chew toys for hamsters. Each unit is crafted from softwood and has a range of different textures to keep your hamster occupied for quite some time.

Unfortunately, some users have mentioned serious design concerns. The main complaint is that many toys contain glue that is visible on the exterior. Not all toys have these features, but those that do are not safe.

  • 3 packs.
  • cheapness
  • Different types of textures.
Cons of
  • Some units are very poorly constructed.

3. Night Angel Tunnel Exploring Hamster Toy - Premium Choice

The Night Angel is a wooden maze designed to experiment underground that rats would naturally gravitate to in the woods. It has two entry points and six indoor rooms to keep your pet busy for a long time.

The inner chambers come in a wide range of different sizes, further simulating a wild rat's nest. Hamsters may appreciate this variety as an opportunity to separate their space, using some rooms for sleeping, others for eating.

The dimensions are large at 12.4" x 8", and the material is made of durable wood that should last a long time. It's one of the most expensive toys out there today, but if you decide to splurge, your hamster will love it.

  • Simulates the experience of the wild.
  • Solid wood design.
  • Six different chambers.
Cons of
  • Expensive
  • You May Also Like: Who Do Hamsters Like To Play With?

4. Kitty hamster exercise ball toy

The Katie is an inexpensive exercise ball with a 5" diameter. It's easy to work. Place your hamster in the ball, secure the door, and watch them roll around! It's a fun twist on the exercise wheel, And this is the best time to keep your pets safe when it comes time to clean their cage.

The big problem is that cleaning the ball can be very difficult. The opening is wide enough to get your hamster in and out, but it won't fit a human hand very well. Naturally, this means that the interior of the toy will get dirty very quickly.

  • 5" diameter.
  • Best place to store pets.
  • Good for exercise.
Cons of
  • Very difficult to clean.

5. Night Angel Hamster Chew Toys

Night Angel is an affordable 6-pack of chew toys for hamsters. The designs are varied, with a range of textures to help keep your pet interested, and the ingredients are all natural. Ingredients include firewood, apple sticks, willow sticks, and seagrass sticks.

The material is specially designed to keep your hamster's teeth clean and at the proper length. The most consistent complaint was numbness. Many people report that their hamsters just aren't attracted to toys. Of course, every animal is different, and this may not be your experience!

  • 6 packs.
  • cheapness
  • Natural ingredients.
Cons of
  • Some people report numbness.

6. Ware Manufacturing 3292 Fun Tunnel Toy

The Ware Fun Tunnel Toy features 30" of flexible for your pet fun. The flexibility of the tubing makes it easy to create interesting shapes to keep your pet's imagination active, while the tunnel opening is wide enough to It is easy to clean.

When you're done, the tunnel folds up easily for quick and easy storage. The unit is made of stain-resistant plastic to further enhance user-friendliness.

Unfortunately, plastic doesn't hold up very well to chewing, so you need to make sure your hamster's teeth aren't wasted.

  • flexible
  • 30" long
  • The tunnel folds up very easily for storage.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Stain resistant material.
Cons of
  • Does not hold very well to chewing.

7. Prevue Hendryx Nature's Hideaway Hamster Tunnel Toy

Prevue Hendryx is an affordable hide and seek toy made from natural, handmade grass. It has several different holes that your hamster can climb through to satisfy its hiding and burrowing instincts.

Unfortunately, we found that the material inside the tunnel is quite raw. Your hamster may not be very comfortable inside. It also doesn't survive excessive chewing, which means it probably won't last long.

  • Fair price
  • Natural materials.
Cons of
  • The material is very rough.
  • Chewing well does not survive.

8. Kitson hamster nest toy

We close the list with the Keithson Hamster Nest Toy. This affordable two-piece set equips your cage hamster's with a play seesaw and bridge. The materials are made of wood and are vibrantly painted to add color to your pet's setup. The material can be safely chewed, which should ensure that the unit lasts a long time.

We noticed some issues. For one thing, the wood itself is very fragile, and may not last very long. It is also very difficult to put together. Some users report that they broke during the assembly process.

  • cheapness
  • Attractive design.
Cons of
  • Very fragile.
  • Difficult to collect.
  • Some report that the unit breaks during the assembly process.

Buyer's Guide: How to Find the Best Hamster Toy

You have viewed the products. Now, here are some details that will make it easier to choose the right toy for your pet.

Natural ingredients

Ideally, you'll be able to get something that has all-natural ingredients. Remember, hamsters have a strong tendency to chew, and will sink their teeth into anything you put in their cage. If any of the ingredients in their toys are toxic, the ingredients are likely to enter the hamster's system.

Natural ingredients solve this dilemma. For example, many of the toys on our list were made from dried grass. Others were made of untreated wood. These materials will help ensure that your pet stays safe while having fun.

Is it chew proof?

As mentioned above, your pet will bite the toys you give them. So, you need something that can withstand their sharp teeth. Chew-proof toys may cost a little more, as the material is better, but they can save you money in the long run.

Remember, buying a high-quality toy is almost always cheaper than continuing to replace a low-quality one.

Does the toy attract your pet?

Every pet has its own preferences. Unfortunately, this means that there is no guarantee that your hamster will be particularly interested in the treats you give them. However, there are ways that toys can make themselves a little more appealing.

For example, some of the units on our list have special scents that work to draw hamsters inside. Small treats like this ensure your pet gets to enjoy his new gift.

Does the toy stimulate your pet?

Hamsters have many different instincts. The best toys are designed specifically to cater to these interests. For example, hamsters are natural burrowers. For this reason, many of the options on our list were designed to simulate the crawling/hiding experience that rodents thrive on in the wild.

Mice are also great chewers. So, it can be beneficial to get something that has a variety of different textures. This will help ensure that your pet remains interested for a long time.

Is it easy to clean?

Unfortunately, hamsters aren't particularly particular about where they relieve themselves. Chances are they will potty in or on their new toy. When they do, you'll want to make sure the toy is easy to clean.

Make sure the surface is easy to clean. Some even have stain-resistant coatings that further aid the cleaning process.


NeedsYour hamster exercise just like any other animal. We're all familiar with the hamster wheel, but there are other ways to get your pet cardio. For example, balls exercise are a fun way for your hamster to shake things up.

With this toy, they will be able to enjoy free rein at home, all under the protection of a well padded ball. These toys are especially good because they can double as storage space for your pet when you clean out their cage.


Determining the maximum price range can be a bit tricky. After all, even if you find a great toy, there's a chance your hamster doesn't want anything to do with it. The good news is that even good hamster toys are not very expensive.

A higher-end unit can cost you $30 or less. With that price in mind, you shouldn't have much trouble getting something that's both good and affordable. Opt for something natural, and at least relatively durable, and your money will be well spent.

Different type

Some toys come with several different pieces. This is great for a few reasons. For one thing, it gives you more exposure to your deer, allowing you to gradually introduce new toys into your pet's cage.

It will also help keep your hamster interested for longer. Just like humans, animals like to mix things up from time to time!


The pet toy niche tends to lump all manner of rodent toys together. For example, a toy might be perfect for a ferret, rabbit, gerbil, and hamster. However, these animals are obviously very different, which means that the toy is probably more suitable for some of them than others.

Size is a good indicator of whether a toy is right for your hamster. Hamsters gravitate to comfortable spaces that mimic an underground setting.


Which of our hamster toy reviews impressed you the most? We know all toys are great, but if you're trying to narrow it down to just one, you might want to gravitate toward a top pick like our top pick, the Priv Hendrix 1095 Nature Hideaway. ball toy

Or, if you're looking for something a little more affordable, or are looking for the best chew toys for hamsters out there, we'd recommend trying our best hamster toy for the money: the Kitty Chew Toy.

And of course, there is no rule that you can only buy one toy for your pet. You might want to really treat them by getting some awesome units from our list!

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#8 Best Hamster Toys of 2023 - Reviews and Top Picks

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Wednesday, 5 October 2022

12 Popular Types of Pet Crabs



  • 1. Rainbow Land Crab.
  • 2. Vampire Crab.
  • 3. Halloween Moon Crab.
  • 4. Fiddler crabs.
  • 5. Land hermit crabs.
  • 6. Red claw crabs.
  • 7. Panther shrimp.
  • 8. Thai Micro Shrimp.
  • 9. Pom Pom Crab.
  • 10. Thai devil crab.
  • 11. Metano crab.
  • 12. Gold claw crab.
  • How to choose a pet shrimp
  • Will your crabs join an existing tank or live alone?
  • How many crabs do you want?
  • Can you provide the right accommodation?
  • What types are available?
  • Caring for your pet crab
  • Housing
  • Abstinence
  • Keeping your shrimp healthy.
  • Result
12 Popular Types of Pet Crabs (with Pictures)

Whether you're a longtime aquarium keeper or just starting out, adding pet shrimp to your tank environment can be an interesting alternative to consider instead of adding more fish. Pet crabs come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. They can be quite entertaining to watch as they climb, scavenge and mess around.

You may be worried that caring for pet crabs is too complicated, but don't worry! Caring for many types of pet crabs is not as difficult as other types of aquariums. Ready to consider adding a pet crab to life your? Here are popular 12 types of pet crabs for you.

1. Rainbow Land Crab.

Rainbow Land Crabs come in a colors wide variety making them an eye-catching addition to  pet family your! As their name suggests, these crabs need both land and water in their tank to live happily. They also like to keep in pairs. You can find rainbow land crabs in orange purple, cream or blue or colors.

2. Vampire Crab.

Vampire crabs are freshwater crabs named for their bright, yellow eyes. Their appearance unique makes them very popular as pets. These crabs come in bright colors, usually purple, orange, or red. Vampire crabs are sometimes hard to find in the pet market because they are a recently discovered crab species.

3. Halloween Moon Crab

These crabs are decorated in all the colors of Halloween! Also called the Halloween hermit crab, the Halloween moon crab has orange legs, a black shell, and purple markings on its claws. Their colors may be inspired by a scary holiday, but these crabs are really scary to each other. Although they are social creatures, Halloween Moon Crabs should only be allowed short play dates, as too long a conversation can turn into a non-play fight, often with dire consequences.

4. Fiddler crabs

Male fiddler crabs, with their recognizable large claws, are a familiar sight to regular beachgoers. There are actually about 100 different species of fiddler crabs, all similar in appearance. Males are very territorial so you should plan on keeping only one male per tank, but several female companions are fine. Fiddlers do not like to be alone, so you should plan to keep at least two. Fiddler crabs live in saltwater rather than freshwater, which means you will need to add salt to the water in their habitat.

5. Land hermit crabs

Hermit crabs are another species of domesticated crab. These crabs can be a little difficult to keep as pets because they have many habitat requirements that can be difficult to provide in a tank setting. Despite their name, hermit crabs actually like to live in groups, so if you want to keep land hermit crabs as pets you'll need to plan on keeping more than one.

6. Red claw crabs

Red claw crabs, because of their bright red claws, are a popular and easy-to-find type of pet crab. Crabs are also easy to care for while on the go, which adds to their appeal. One thing to keep in mind when considering keeping red claw crabs is that they are known to be talented escape artists due to their climbing ability. You will need to take extra care to keep their tank safe.

7. Panther shrimp

Panther crabs are popular pet crabs because of their striking appearance, a yellow or orange body covered with black spots. These crabs are larger than some other pet crab species, often reaching 3 inches long. Panther crabs, perhaps taking their wild cat names a bit too much to heart, are often aggressive towards other tank inhabitants. If they are not fed in time, panther crabs have been known to snack on other crabs or fish that live with them. Male panther crabs will also fight each other, so be sure to choose a female mate for your male panther crab.

8. Thai Micro Shrimp

Thai micro shrimps, as their name suggests, are extremely small, shy shrimps. They are usually only half an inch long! Because they are so small and delicate, be very careful when deciding on tank mates for these crabs. They should only live with other highly motivated species that won't decide to make a snack of these micro crabs.

9. Pom Pom Crab

Pom-pom crabs get their name because wild ones swim with anemones held in their claws, making them look like they're holding pom-poms. Instead of cheering on the local sports team, the Pom Pom Cubs use anemones to defend themselves, boxing the stinging creatures in the direction of enemies. In captivity, these small crabs are easy to care for, although they can be difficult to find because they have only recently begun to be sold as pets.

10. Thai devil crab

Despite their name, Thai devil crabs are actually the most sociable of the pet crab species and get along with a variety of calm tank mates. These crabs can grow up to 4 inches long and live up to 15 years, although 5 years is their average lifespan in captivity. Thai devil crabs can be found in different many colors, including red and purple.

11. Metano crab

Mitano crabs have a unique appearance, with a combination of purple with white on the joints of their legs. These crabs are happy to spend all their time underwater, which means you don't need to provide a land area for them in your tank. However, metano crabs have specific water temperature and pH requirements, which must be kept in mind when deciding whether to keep them as pets.

12. Gold claw crab

These crabs are prized for their large, gold-colored claws. Golden claw crabs will happily scurry around the bottom of the aquarium. They also enjoy jumping in the sand, so you'll want to make sure they have a sandy bottom in their tank. Like their red claw counterparts, gold claw crabs are particularly adept at avoiding tanks.

How to choose a pet shrimp

With so many cool and different types of pet crabs, how do you decide which one to get? There are a few questions you may want to consider when choosing the perfect pet crab.

Will your crabs join an existing tank or live alone?

If you're looking for a pet shrimp to add to an already bustling tank environment, you'll want to choose a variety that gets along with your existing aquatic pets. Make sure that the fish and other creatures in your tank will not want to eat your new crab. Choose a pet crab that is not territorial and is willing to accept tank mates.

How big is your tank? Some pet crabs, such as rainbow land crabs, are larger than others and require more space. Others are so territorial that they need a large space to avoid fighting.

Most of the crabs on this list are freshwater crabs, so if you have a saltwater tank this will limit your choices considerably.

How many crabs do you want?

Many of the pet crabs we've discussed aren't as happy living as solo crabs. Others are so territorial that it is important that they do! Some, like land hermit crabs, prefer to live in groups rather than pairs. Consider how many crabs you have room for and are willing to care for when deciding what type of pet crab to get.

Can you provide the right accommodation?

Each type of pet crab has different housing requirements. Some are happy to spend full time in the water while others need a land area to take some time off from the swimming life. Some, like vampire crabs, like to live with lots of aquatic plants. All crabs will take every opportunity to escape so whatever type you choose, be prepared to always keep your tank safe.

What types are available?

In the end, your choice of pet shrimp may depend on what types are readily available to you. Some of the pet crabs we discussed, such as vampire and pom pom crabs, are hard to find. In contrast, varieties such as fiddler and red claw crabs can be much easier to purchase from a variety of sources.

Caring for your pet crab

As we have already discussed, each type of pet shrimp has its own set of specific requirements for proper care. Before you bring your new crab home, make sure you do your research and determine the right habitat and diet for your pet. Here are some general guidelines for caring for and feeding pet crabs.


The size of the tank required depends on the size of your pet crab and how many you bring home. The tank size minimum you should use is a 5 gallon tank. Make sure you secure all possible escape routes, including piping and the roof of your tank.

If your pet shrimp needs both a water area and land, you'll need to make room in your tank to get out of the water. One way to do this is to add sand enough to one side of your tank to create a beach for crabs your.

Check to see what temperature, humidity and water pH your new shrimp needs. If your new shrimp needs to live in saltwater or brackish water, you'll need to learn how to add the right amount of salt to keep them healthy.

A tank thermometer can help you keep your shrimp's water temperature accurate. Other things you may want to add to your shrimp tank are plants, rocks, sticks, or other items that will make their captivity as wild as possible.


Crabs are omnivores that will need both plant and animal foods in their diet. To keep your shrimp healthy, it's a good idea to feed a variety of different foods. Here are some good food choices to offer your pet shrimp:

Commercial shrimp meal.
  • Bloodworms.
  • Cooked vegetables.
  • Small, salty fish.
  • Bees
Make sure you feed your crabs regularly, as some species will try to eat their tankmates when hungry. However, you don't want to overfeed your crabs because you'll need to remove any undigested food. Start with a small portion and give them more if they are hungry.

Keeping your shrimp healthy

An important part of keeping your shrimp healthy is making sure you keep them in the right environment and feed them the right food. Another important consideration is to make sure they have tank mates who won't try to eat them! A good way to make sure is to ask the breeder or pet store where you get your crabs so you can choose the right tank mates for them.

Keep your shrimp tank clean by changing the water regularly. Whenever the water seems dirty or smelly, it's time for a change. Make sure you only use filtered water for your shrimp tank as chemicals like chlorine are not safe for them. You should also change their sand and make sure other items in the tank are clean as well.

Here are some signs you should look for to tell you that your crabs are sick or unhealthy:

  • Too much food or not enough.
  • Color fading or discoloration.
  • Decreased movement or activity level.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • If you are concerned that your crab is not doing well, seek professional help from a veterinarian.


Pet shrimp can make a delightful addition to your aquarium as long as you provide the right conditions for them. With so many different types of pet shrimp, you're sure to find just the right one. Just make sure you stay one step ahead of these cunning climbers and block all their escape routes!

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#12 Popular Types of Pet Crabs (with Pictures)

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