Friday 30 September 2022

Are pets good for physical and mental health?


Are pets good for physical and mental health?

Google the benefits of pets and you will find many articles and research papers documenting the many benefits of pets. But in a February 20th CNN article , attention is drawn to the fact that all is not well.

Take this 2015 research paper published in Science Direct that investigated the effects of viewing images of cute cats on the Internet. This study found that it is true that viewing videos and pictures of cats on social media has a positive effect on mood.

But from the same research it was also found that because of this hobby laziness and laziness also arise.

A large-scale study conducted by the Rand Corporation , an American organization, tried to find out what kind of positive effects it has on children in households where animals are kept. Research has revealed that there is insufficient evidence to support the commonly held belief that pets have a positive effect on children

A study published in SpringerLink even found that cat owners have an increased risk of dying from colorectal or colon and rectal cancer.

But in a 1980 study of 92 heart attack patients, 28 percent of people who kept pets survived another year, compared to just 6 percent of people who didn't keep pets. . A 2001 study of stock exchange brokers found that people who kept animals did not have blood pressure as badly affected by severe stress. Another study found that pet owners had higher levels of confidence, satisfaction, achievement, and positive thinking۔

A 2011 study found that people who owned pets had 15 percent fewer visits to the doctor. It has been found that along with mental health, pets also have a positive effect on physical health. This was further confirmed by a Chinese study which found that Chinese women who owned pets exercised more regularly

But, many other research papers have found opposite results. As a 2011 study found, people who were very affectionate with their dogs were more depressed than those who did not have such a close relationship. A Swedish study found similar results, while a Finnish study found that pet owners are at increased risk of several diseases. In a similar 2010 American study, after researching 12,000 Americans, it was proved that whether or not to keep animals has no relationship with mortality rate.

Western University's Department of Psychology Harold Herzog writes that although many people consider pets to be a source of happiness, the results of various studies on their effects on human psychology are very mixed. are somewhat contradictory to each other.

He wrote that while some research proves that people who have pets have positive thoughts, if we look at it, we can also conclude that the same people who have positive thoughts have the additional responsibility of keeping pets. Will be ready to take the lead.

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#Are pets good for physical and mental health? 

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