Friday 7 October 2022

Appenzler Sennenhund



  • Appenzeller Sennenhund Puppies - Before You Buy…
  • What Are Appenzeller Sennenhund Puppies Worth?
  • 3 Little-Known Facts About the Appenzeller Sennenhund
  • Temperament and intelligence of the Appenzler Sennenhund.
  • Are these dogs good for families?
  • Does this breed get along with other pets?
  • Things to know about owning an Appenzeller Sennenhund:
  • Diet and Dietary Requirements.
  • exercise
  • training
  • Grooming
  • Health and conditions.
  • Male versus female.
  • Final thoughts.
Appenzler Sennenhund

Height19-22 inches.
The weight48-70 lbs.
Lifetime12-15 years.
the colorBlack, brown and white.
suitable forExperienced dog owners with an active lifestyle are looking for an intelligent dog that needs a job.
MoodAgile, versatile, lively, intelligent, hardworking, alert.
When you see the name Appenzeller Sennenhund you might be thinking, is it? Really a dog breed name? Yes, it is! Although the Appenzeller Sennenhund is a breed less common  in this country, they have in Europe a long history. The Appenzeller Sennenhund is a hard-working, very energetic herding breed that loves to join long walks or run around like a working dog in acres of fields. Although not always suitable for every lifestyle, the Epsteiner Sannenhund can become a friendly, protective member of the family with proper training and plenty of exercise. Not sure if the Appenzeller Sennenhund is the breed for you? Keep reading to learn more about this breed and find out if one is a choice good for your family!

Appenzeller Sennenhund Puppies - Before You Buy…

What Are Appenzeller Sennenhund Puppies Worth?

Appenzeller Sennenhunds are still a somewhat in the United States rare breed. This can make buying a dog both difficult and expensive. Reported prices for pups purchased from reputable breeders range anywhere from $600-$1500. However, with a limited amount of Appenzellers found in the US, you may need to expand your search to international breeders. Buying from a breeder in another country will incur additional costs for your dog, including health certification and shipping. These dogs can cost up to $3000.

Since there are so few Appenzellers around, you're less likely to adopt one instead of buying one. However, if you are patient and determined to save the dog, you can definitely try this route. The cost of rescuing an Appenzler Sennenhund will vary widely based on the shelter or organization you're working with, but it usually ranges from $250-$350.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Appenzeller Sennenhund

The name "Sennenhund" means "Dairy Farmer's Dog".
This breed was developed as a herding and working dog, making it the perfect name for them. Even today, Appenzeller Sennenhunds are still used as working dogs and excel at that task.

He is just one of the (Swiss) family.

Appenzeller Sennenhunds are part of a group of breeds called Swiss Mountain Dogs. They are the youngest species of this group.

This dogs are used as rescue in the Swiss Alps.
Most of us think of giant Saint Bernards with barrels around their necks when we picture alpine rescue dogs, but they're not the only breed on mountain rescue duty. Reliable, hardworking Appenzeller Sennenhunds can also be found on rescue patrols.

Temperament and intelligence of the Appenzler Sennenhund.

Appenzeller Sennenhunds are very intelligent dogs. They are also highly active and prone to stubbornness which can make them difficult to train. Appenzellers bond very closely with their families and easily take on the role of protective guardian. Their protective nature makes them suspicious of people they don't know, a tendency that makes a good watchdog but also requires careful socialization.

Are these dogs good for families?

Appenzeller Sennenhunds are a choice good for active families who share their high-personalities energy. They are good with children, although they should be socialized at an early age. As with many herding breeds, Appenzellers can be tempted to try and "herd" children because they were raised with farm animals. Herding cattle involves a certain amount of nipping at the heels, behavior that will neither be accepted nor tolerated when it comes to children!

Because they are so strongly attached to their families, Appenzellers will want to be involved in family life. Because their energy levels are so high, families that prefer to be active will be a perfect match for these dogs. Appenzellers are a great breed for experienced rather than first-time dog owners, as they can be a challenge to train and keep busy and out of trouble. Families looking for a more "hands-off" dog ownership experience should look no further than the Appenzeller Sennenhund.

Does this breed get along with other pets?

Bred as working farm dogs, Appenzeller Sennenhunds usually get along with other animals. They get along well with other dogs and cats although they should be socialized early for the most harmonious relationships. And if you actually live on a farm, Appenzellers will fit right in with cows, goats, sheep and other livestock. They will probably try to follow their instincts and herd the cattle, which the cows may not appreciate!

Things to know about owning an Appenzeller Sennenhund:

If what you've read so far about the Appenzler Sennenhund intrigues you, you may be considering making one a part of your family. If so, you'll want to learn more about how to properly care for this breed. Here is some information that may help you decide if the Appenzeller Sennenhund will fit your lifestyle.

Diet and Dietary Requirements

Appenzeller Sennenhunds generally do not require special diets. They should do well on any high-quality dog ​​food whether you choose to buy commercial food or prefer to cook your dog's food at home. If you prepare homemade food for your dog, be sure to check with your veterinarian to make sure it contains all the necessary nutrients and is properly balanced.

The Appenzeller Sennenhund breed is prone to being overweight. For this reason, you'll want to monitor your dog's weight and food intake to make sure they stay within a healthy weight range. One way you can do this is by making sure your puppy gets the right food for their developmental stage. Puppies, adults and senior dogs have different nutritional needs, and feeding them the right food will help ensure they stay healthy.


The Appenzeller Sennenhund is an extremely active breed. They were originally bred to work and run on fields all day and their exercise needs reflect that heritage. If you live in an apartment or a crowded city, it can be difficult to get the amount of exercise Appenzeller needs. An Appenzeller Sennenhund should try to get vigorous daily exercise as long as you have somewhere for them to roam and run. Another thing to keep in mind is that Appenzellers will not do well if they spend too much time in a kennel or crate due to their energy level and desire to be involved in life family.


Although they are very intelligent, training Appenzeller Sennenhunds can be a challenge. An early start with puppy training and socialization is crucial for these dogs. As already discussed, Appenzellers are suspicious and protective of strangers by nature. Early socialization helps them balance these instincts and behave appropriately around unfamiliar people and animals.

Appenzellers need strength and consistency in their training. They can be stubborn but do not tolerate harsh training methods, which is never recommended for any dog. Appenzellers will respond best to dignified, strong leadership. When properly trained and socialized, they are reliable and loving pets, even if they aren't lazy enough to show it!

Because of their intelligence and athleticism, Appenzellers are qualified to compete in dog sports such as agility and obedience competitions. Of course, they are also excellent herders and can be trained to pull vehicles.


Appenzeller Sennenhunds are a double-coated breed, meaning they have a thick topcoat and a dense undercoat that they shed regularly. If you are looking for a non-shedding breed, Appenzellers are not the dog for you. Weekly brushing is recommended to keep their coat healthy and help control shedding.

Aside from weekly brushing, Appenzellers don't require much special grooming. Like all dogs, they should have their nails trimmed and their teeth brushed regularly. If your Epsteiner spends a lot of time outside, be sure to check them regularly for ticks and burrows and keep their ears clean.

Health and conditions

Perhaps because they are a less common breed, Appenzeller Sennenhunds are generally healthy dogs with a long average lifespan for their size.

Serious conditions:

Hip dysplasia.
Like many other breeds, Appenzler Sennenhunds can suffer from hip dysplasia. It is an inherited bone condition where the hip joint does not fit properly in the hip socket. Hip dysplasia can be painful very, especially as the ages dog. In severe cases, surgery is sometimes required. Responsible breeders will check their dogs' hips for this condition before breeding them.

Minor conditions:

Appenzeller Sennenhunds are fond of their food, which puts them at risk of becoming overweight. Obesity can cause some health problems in dogs. Keep a close eye on your Appenzeller's weight and adjust their food and treat diet as needed to prevent obesity.

Male versus female

Now you've done your research and think the Appenzeller Sennenhund might be the right breed for you. Now should you get a male or female dog? Is there any difference between them? Well, male Appenzeller Sennenhunds are slightly larger than females. Otherwise, there are not many reported race-related differences between the .

As a general rule, male dogs tend to be slightly more active and dominant than female dogs. Then, of course, there's the issue of marking, which male dogs tend to do more. Male dog grooming can help with both marking and dominant behavior. With female dogs, you will have to deal with them in heat every 6 months or so, although having your female spayed will eliminate this problem as well.

In the end, the decision to get a male or female Appenzellar will likely come down to your own personal preference.

Final thoughts

If you're looking for an energetic companion, the Appenzeller Sennenhund may be just the breed to fill that role. Make sure you are prepared for some of the more challenging aspects of their personality and are willing to devote plenty of time to training and socialization. You may have to spend a little more time searching for a reputable Appenzeller breeder due to their relative scarcity in this country. If you really feel that this is the breed for you, however, the time and effort will definitely be worth it!

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#Appenzler Sennenhund    #dogs  

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