Tuesday 25 October 2022

Blue Tigo: Information and Care Guide for Beginners - animals city


Quick Facts About Blue Tigo
Do Blue Tags Make Good Pets?
How to Care for Blue Tigo
Habitat, tank conditions and setup.
Heat (temperature and humidity)
Feeding Your Blue Tigo
Keep your Blue Tigo healthy.
General health problems.
Are blue tags friendly? Our handling advice.
Shedding and bruising: What to expect
How much does Blue Tigo cost?
Summary of Care Guide.
Blue Tigo: Information and Care Guide for Beginners

You might not think of a reptile as your first thought for a pet. However, there is one in 4.5 million homes. The blue tigo is an interesting animal, and is sure to satisfy your need for something exotic. While you can handle it, its care and mature size put it in the realm of the experienced pet owner. Of course, housing will probably be one of your biggest challenges.

Quick Facts About Blue Tigo

Species Name:Salvator Mariana.
Common name:Blue Tigo.
Level of care:Moderate to easy Easy.
Lifetime:10-15 years.
Adult Size:Up to 3 'L.
Minimum tank size:At least 6 'L.
Temperature and humidity80℉-95℉

Do Blue Tags Make Good Pets?

Many reptiles do not make excellent pets because handling is not recommended. Not so with Blue Tigo. It is quite mild compared to many similar species. However, the break-in period is longer if you don't get an animal as a teenager. Some fans might insist that he likes handling. It will love your body heat, anyway.

There are many challenges to owning a reptile of this size. The blue tigo is an omnivore, which makes it a challenge to keep up as it gets bigger and bigger.


The blue tigo is a stocking reptile that resembles a monitor. It has a bluish-black plumage, with a tipping snout with a black spot at the end. It has long claws and finger-like appendages. The tail is about one-third of its length.

How to Care for Blue Tigo

Habitat, tank conditions and setup.

This animal lives in the thickets and forests of central South America. It is a generalist that will forage for a wide variety of food items in the wild. It is considered a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

Although the pet trade has affected its native population, its primary threat is trapping for its fur. However, its population is stable.


A blue tigo will reach its adult size at about 5 years of age. If possible, it will need a tank at least 6 feet long, preferably 8 feet. This will give him plenty of room to move. An aquarium will provide the ideal habitat to maintain the correct temperature and humidity. It can also ensure that your tigo stays in its cage, as it is something of an escape artist.

Daily cleaning of enclosures is essential to ensure a healthy environment for your pet. You should also remove waste immediately. Change the substrate as needed to keep odor in check.


You should provide at least 12 hours of UV light a day. It can make a difference where you place his cage. You can also set up an infrared ceramic heater to provide the necessary heat without the need for light at night.

Heat (temperature and humidity)

The blue tigo prefers a warm location to mimic its native environment. Lighting and heaters will be sufficient. We recommend placing a thermometer in the cage to monitor the temperature. It should not fall below 75°C. Daily misting is a great way to ensure that it is humid enough inside the aquarium. You should also include a strong water bottle that you should fill daily.


You can use coconut fiber or sphagnum moss as a substrate, making sure it's at least a 3-inch layer. Moistening it will increase the humidity level inside the tank. You should also provide hiding places, rocks and pieces of bark for it to climb on. In the wild, the blue tigo often spends most of its time in the canopy.

Tank recommendations

Type of tank.40 gallon glass vivarium.
LightingUV light
heatingHeating pad/tape under the wall.
Excellent substrate.Coconut fiber.

Feeding Your Blue Tigo

Diet summary.

fruit.5% of the dose.
Insects90% of the diet when young 25% as an adult.
Meat.75% diet, with pink mice, hard-boiled eggs, raw meat.
Supplements are required.Calcium powder on her food, along with a multivitamin twice weekly.

Keep your Blue Tigo healthy.

Providing a healthy environment is one of the best things you can do to keep your Blue Tigo healthy. Maintaining the correct humidity range will likely be your biggest challenge. Another concern is a clean tank. This means removing any contaminated food and waste immediately to prevent bacterial growth.

General health problems.

A healthy animal is active and alert. Sometimes, you'll notice a decrease in activity before shedding. Hunger is also an indicator of whether they are well or ill. Common problems are respiratory problems, usually caused by conditions that are too wet or cold. We recommend monitoring his cage environment.

GI issues are another concern, especially if you serve a lot of vegetables, which your Blue Tagus may have trouble digesting. Fruits are very easy on their system. Other red flags include:

Difficulty breathing.

  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • swelling
  • Difficulty walking.


Blue tigo is long-lived given the right environment. It has a lifespan of up to 15 years, with some animals living up to 20 years under the right conditions. Remember that this reptile usually lives in places where the climate is relatively stable. This is what you need to provide to keep your pet healthy.


We do not recommend breeding your blue tigo, especially if you do not have enough space for a breeder tank. Adults don't behave well, which makes it difficult. Even zoos have not been successful with this. Keep in mind that breeding is also illegal in some states, such as Florida, where these reptiles pose an environmental threat to local wildlife.

Are blue tags friendly? Our handling advice.

The key is frequent handling to get your pet used to being around you. Do not try to grab your blue tigo by the tail, or it may release it to get away from you. You should walk slowly around your pet, avoiding sudden movements that could startle him. This reptile is intelligent and will likely make the connection between you and food soon.

Shedding and bruising: What to expect

All the lizards were swept away. Keeping the humidity within the recommended range is the best thing you can do to ensure it can get through this time with the least amount of stress. We recommend providing a large bowl of water for your blue tegu to wade into to moisten its skin in preparation for shedding. Daily Missing is also important. It may not be active as of now.

How much does Blue Tigo cost?

Blue tags are popular pets among reptile enthusiasts because of their gentle nature and relatively easy care. You may find it hard to find. You'll likely pay $600 for a young, healthy specimen.

Summary of Care Guide.

Blue Tigo ProsBlue Tigo Cons
Gentle nature.Must be kept individually.
Quest and research.It takes time to adapt to a new environment.
Simple food.Moves during handling.


The Blue Tigo is an amazing animal that will make an excellent pet as long as you can provide it with the right environment. If you get a young animal, you should take care of it so that it becomes even happier as it grows. With proper care, you can spend many years with your exotic pet.

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#Blue Tigo: Information and Care Guide for Beginners

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