Wednesday 12 October 2022

Can bearded dragons eat cherries? What do you want to know?



  • Cons of Cherries: Fruit acids and sugar.
  • The Phosphor Problem.
  • Oxalic acid
  • Can bearded dragons eat dried cherries or canned, frozen?
  • Can bearded dragons eat cherry pits?
  • Can bearded dragons eat whole cherries?
Can bearded dragons eat cherries? What do you want to know?

Surprisingly, there is some controversy about whether or not bearded dragons can eat cherries. All bearded dragons need to eat vegetables. As they grow older, bearded dragons will eat vegetables Mostly.

However, deciding which fruits and vegetables our bearded dragons should eat can be a bit confusing. Technically, bearded dragons can eat cherries. Sometimes . They are not as healthy as some other options. Instead of taking up a large portion of our beards' diet, they should act as a treat.

Maybe you're eating cherries and your bearded dragon eyes. This could be an opportunity to invite your dragon. However, please do not go out of your way to feed your bearded dragon cherries.

Cons of Cherries: Fruit acids and sugar.

The two main downsides of cherries are acidity and high sugar levels. None of these things suit our bearded dragons, which is why they think it's better to think of something else.

As you probably know, cherries are more sour. This is because they are high in fruit acid. This can cause diarrhea and other digestive upsets for bearded dragons. Because we're so big, acid usually doesn't bother our stomachs as much. However, this can upset our beardies' stomachs, as they are much smaller than us.

Sugar can also be very high in carbohydrates. While our dragons can consume plenty of carbohydrates, not all of them need to be in the form of simple carbohydrates, which is exactly what sugar is. Sugar can also upset a beard's stomach, especially when combined with fruit acids.

Sugar and fruit acid together can cause diarrhea and other similar problems. If it becomes severe, it can potentially lead to dehydration and even death. A dragon who is sick with diarrhea is also more vulnerable to other infections and parasites, which can take a toll on his already weakened system.

In general, it's important to keep in mind how much larger the average cherry is compared to a bearded dragon. Even a cherry can be too much when you compare it to the size of your beard.

The Phosphor Problem.

All bearded dragons need plenty of calcium. You probably know this and probably supplement your dragon's diet with plenty of calcium, possibly using calcium powder or something similar.

If a dragon does not consume enough calcium, it will develop metabolic bone disease. Due to this, their bones become soft and their bodies become deformed. It can't always be fixed, especially when it happens in a baby dragon. They grow that way, and there's little you can do to repair the damage once it's done.

Can bearded dragons eat cherries? What do you want to know?

However, in order to properly process calcium, these lizards need to consume enough phosphorus. They need to use the calcium they eat. Otherwise, it will do them no good. Ideally, your dragon needs twice as much calcium as phosphorus.

Cherries do not have this ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Therefore, they do not provide the right mix of nutrients and should not make up much of your pet's diet.

Oxalic acid

Cherries also contain moderate amounts of oxalic acid. This particular acid binds calcium and makes it unusable. So, every time your bearded dragon eats a cherry, there is a certain amount of calcium that they can no longer use. This can be problematic for all types of dragons, especially those that already have trouble consuming enough calcium.

In general, cherries don't have enough oxalic acid to make it a significant problem. Instead, they only become a problem when you eat too many of them.

Can bearded dragons eat canned, frozen or dried cherries?

On top of fresh cherries, these fruits come in different many forms. Feeding dried, canned, or frozen cherries is a little different than feeding fresh cherries, so let's take a look.

Dried cherries should not be fed, as they are highly concentrated in sugar and hard to chew. They're one of the worst forms of cherry you can give your dragon - which is a big deal considering that cherries aren't that good anyway.

Canned cherries are okay or not. Some canned cherries contain added preservatives and ingredients, some of which can be dangerous to our bearded dragons. At the same time, there are some. Well, as they are canned in water and have no added ingredients. In this situation, you may want to read the label to see if cherries are safe for your pet.

Frozen cherries are fine usually, as long as they don't have any ingredients added. It is important to read the ingredients list, although some contain ingredients and preservatives. You want plain, simple cherries.

Can bearded dragons eat cherry pits?

No you remove them before you give your bearded dragon cherries. Pits can become infected, which can lead to extreme pain and even death. The effect is severe and should be avoided at all costs.

The pit removing should be easy and can be done quickly with a knife.

While we're on the subject, you should remove the stem if it's still there when you buy it. The trunk is less likely to be infected, but you generally don't want to feed your dragon anything it can't fully digest.

Can bearded dragons eat whole cherries?

You should be very careful with portion sizes, as we've discussed. Whether or not your bearded dragon can handle a whole cherry depends on the size of your dragon as well as the size of the cherry. Most mature beardies will be able to handle at least one whole cherry, but if you're not sure, stay on the safe side. Smaller dragons should be given less.

You shouldn't just hand over the cherry to your bearded dragon. Their round size can make them difficult to eat and choke the dragon. While most dragons will try to chew on the cherry, some will try to swallow it whole. For this reason, you should generally avoid feeding whole cherries to your dragon. Instead, cut the cherries into quarters and serve them that way.

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