Monday 24 October 2022

Cat peeing outside the litter box? 11 Reasons and How to Prevent It


  • 11 Reasons Your Cat Is Peeing Outside Their Litter Box
  • 1. Marking their territory.
  • 2. Dirty garbage can.
  • 3. Not sure how to use the litter box.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • 5. Stress
  • 6. Renal disease.
  • 7. Environmental changes
  • 8. Suffering.
  • 9. Attention
  • 10. Candles and oils.
  • 11. Illness.
  • Does punishment work with cats?
Cat peeing outside the litter box? 11 Reasons and How to Prevent It

Most cats are comfortable using a litter box when certain needs are met. Cats are generally known to be quite fussy, so it may take some time before they feel comfortable using their litter box and use it properly. Urinating outside the litter box is a common complaint. This can be for various reasons, from behavioral problems, not knowing how to use the litter box, or cats being uncomfortable with their own hygiene, as most cats do not appreciate a dirty litter box, especially But when it is not cleaned. enough time. Fortunately, most of these problems hinge on the reasoning behind this frustrating behavior.

11 Reasons Your Cat Is Peeing Outside Their Litter Box

1. Marking their territory.

Cats urinate, or "spray," to mark their territory. This is especially common behavior if there are new pets in the house or if a feral cat decides to make an unexpected visit to your garden. Territory marking is more common in unfixed cats.Before they exhibit this behavior, you will observe them rubbing their sides or bodies on objects around the house, leaving their scent behind. They will usually splash on vertical surfaces.

Solution. : Grooming your cat should stop this behavior. Make sure you protect your property so that feral cats or your neighbor's cats don't make a surprise visit to your home.

2. Dirty garbage can.

Cats prefer a clean litter box. A dirty and unsanitary litter box will prevent them from using it. It is common if more than one cat has used the same litter box and it is not emptied properly.

Solution. : Make sure to stick to a strict litter box cleaning schedule depending on how many cats you own. Try to change the litter as often as possible.

3. Not sure how to use the litter box.

If you recently got a new kitten or cat, they may not know how to use their litter box properly, so they will end up in unwanted areas.

Solution. : Litterbox training will be the most effective way to eliminate this behavior. Place their waste in the litter box and the scent will entice them to use the box to eliminate their waste. Do this every time they leave accidents around the house and they should begin to understand its use.

4.Urinary tract infection (UTI)

A cat with a UTI may have difficulty controlling urine and will leave unintended accidents around the house. They may pass small amounts of urine and have pain because they cannot empty their bladder.

Solution. : Immediate vet visit is necessary Your vet should prescribe your cat medication to eliminate the infection. In severe cases, the vet may recommend that your cat wears pet diapers until he regains the ability to urinate properly.

5. Stress

An emotionally stressed cat will not exhibit their normal behavior and will deposit their waste around the house, stress can make them too depressed to use their litter box and they may behave strangely. Will also show things like hiding most of the time, acting out, sleeping a lot during the day or showing no interest in their toys or food.

6. Renal disease.

Kidney disease can occur as a result of eating something poisonous or poisonous to cats. They will have abdominal pain and difficulty urinating or controlling when they urinate. Check around the house or garden to see if they have eaten a poisonous human medicine or plant.

Solution. : This is a rare but serious disease that requires veterinary treatment as soon as possible. Kidney disease can be fatal if not treated promptly. Get rid of poisonous plants in your home or garden.

7. Environmental changes

A sudden change in your cat's life can make them confused and uncertain. This includes moving houses, reorganizing your home or moving the litter box from its usual location.

Solution. : Let your cat adjust to the changes and place any waste in the litter box so they know where it is and will be attracted to the scent. If you see them using your house as a bathroom, pick them up and put them in their litter box.

8. Suffering.

If your cat is feeling uncomfortable or scared, she may refuse to use the litter box. It is mainly common in older cats. Something in your cat's environment can cause your cat distress, such as small children who hug them when they are not in the mood to cuddle or play.

Solution. : Teach your children to respect your cat's boundaries and show them when it is appropriate to interact with the cat. If arthritis is the cause, a doctor may prescribe pain medications to relieve some of the discomfort.

9. Attention

If a cat feels like it's not getting enough attention from you, it may defecate near you, trying to elicit a reaction. If this is their only interaction with you other than feeding, they may feel that you are not interacting with them enough.

Solution. : Give them the attention they want. Take time out of your day to play with your cat a little.

10. Candles and oils.

Cats dislike the scent of most essential oils (pepper, lemon, lavender) as well as strong candles with the same scent. If their litter box is in an area where this odor is commonly used, it will deter them from using their litter box.

Solution. : Avoid using these scents in the area where your cat litters.

11. Illness.

If your cat is feeling sick, perhaps with an upset stomach or a thorn in their paw, injuries or an underlying health condition, they will be in too much pain to use their litter box and can eliminate the wastes in the area where they currently are.

Solution. : Move the litter box closer to where they hang out and take them to the vet for a checkup.

Does punishment work with cats?

It's not a good idea to punish your cat for doing something they don't understand is wrong, this will likely make the situation worse and your cat may become afraid of you. Doing is the best option. Avoid these common penalties below, as they are recommended online, but have no benefits and are unnecessary.

Sticking their nose in their excrement and then yelling at them won't help the situation one bit.
Spray them with water.
Shouting and throwing objects at them.
Keeping them in a confined space as a time-out.

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#Cat peeing outside the litter box? 11 Reasons and How to Prevent It
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