Saturday 1 October 2022

Chinese (Chihuahua and Havanese mix)


  • Chinese Puppies - Before You Buy
  • What is the price of a Chinese puppy?
  • 3 Little-Known Facts About Chinese
  • 1. Chinese puppies can be hypoallergenic
  • 2. Despite their small size, Chinese Bulldogs need a moderate level of exercise
  • 3. Despite being independent dogs, Chinese love to be lap dogs
  • Chinese temperament and intelligence
  • Are these dogs good for families?
  • Does this breed get along with other pets?
  • Things to know about owning a Chinese
  • Diet and Dietary Requirements
  • exercise
  • training
  • Grooming
  • Health and conditions
  • Male versus female
  • Final thoughts
Chinese (Chihuahua and Havanese mix)

Height:6" to 9"
weight:4 to 16 pounds.
Lifetime:12 to 18 years.
the color:Brown, Gold, White, Black, Chocolate and Cream.
Suitable for:People without small children, in small living spaces, with other pets.
Mood:Independent, stubborn, social and loyal.
A cross between a Havanese and a Chihuahua, the Chinese has been growing in popularity in recent years due to its adorable looks and loyal nature. Still, everything is done in these cute babies, and why do you need to take care of them?

From pricing, mood and even general health issues, we break down everything you need to know here. That way, you can decide if Chinese is right for you and have a better understanding of everything that goes into caring for and training these babies!

Chinese Puppies - Before You Buy

There are many things to like about Chinese. They have a very long lifespan and get along well with other dogs and pets. But they can be a bit of a mixed bag.

Chines can have some health problems, they are notoriously stubborn and difficult to train, and they don't do well with small children.

You'll get a pup that's great in small apartments, has longevity, and has enough energy to entertain at the dog park or even around the block!

What is the price of a Chinese puppy?

For a designer breed dog mix, a Chinese puppy is remarkably affordable. If you shop around, you can find breeders offering this pet for as little as $100. For high-end Chinese, it's not unusual for them to approach $600.

Although this is quite a range, even high-end Chinese dogs are less expensive than other designer breeds and more affordable than purebreds.

If you are not too worried about their pedigree or if they have a small amount of other breeds, you can wait for a shelter and possibly find a Chinese, which will save you more money. will save.

However, keep in mind that you'll still need to account for other costs, including vet bills, food, flea and tick medications, leaves, dyes, tags, and more when adopting.

After you've bought everything your dog needs, it's not unreasonable to spend anywhere between $650 and $1,250 in the first few months of getting your new dog.

3 Little-Known Facts About Chinese

1. Chinese puppies can be hypoallergenic

There is a 50/50 chance that your Chinese puppy is hypoallergenic. If they take after their Chihuahua ancestry, they will not be hypoallergenic. However, if they take after their Hawaiian ancestry, they will.

2. Despite their small size, Chinese Bulldogs need a moderate level of exercise

Just because a Chinese is an apartment dog doesn't mean they don't have energy to burn.

3. Despite being independent dogs, Chinese love to be lap dogs

Chines are fiercely independent and stubborn, but they still want to hang out on your lap for most of the day. Since this is what they want to do, it does not conflict with their independent nature.

Chinese temperament and intelligence

Don't confuse Chinese stubbornness with lack of intelligence. On the contrary, these dogs are highly intelligent and enjoy mental stimulation through various toys.

However, while a Chinese is independent and can be playful, they do not do well with small children. This is mainly due to their independent impulses, as they do not want to deal with a small child at will.

That said, these dogs are incredibly loyal to their owners. Even though they may not want to listen to you all day, they will still answer you harshly and show favors to anyone else who visits your home.

Are these dogs good for families?

Although Chinese are good with other pets and small apartments, you should not mistake them for a good family dog. Chines can tolerate older children, but due to their small size, stubbornness and jealousy, we do not recommend adopting Chines if you have small children.

Also, keep in mind that these babies have a long lifespan, so if you think babies may be in your future, you should probably choose a different breed.

But if you don't want more children or if your children are already grown up, a Chinese can make a great addition to your family.

Does this breed get along with other pets?

Although Chins don't get along well with small children, they are generally great with other pets. Early socialization is important, though, so if you have an older Chin who isn't around other animals, you may have trouble introducing a new pet into the home.

Remember that a Chinese is a small dog. So, if you have a big dog that's a little clumsy or excitable, they might hurt something small even when they're not trying!

Things to know about owning a Chinese

Before you adopt or buy a Chinese, it's best to know what you're getting into. That's why we broke down everything you need to know about chinoiserie care here.

Diet and Dietary Requirements

Since the size of chinchillas can vary slightly, their nutritional requirements can also vary. You should feed your puppy anywhere from 1 cup to 1 cup of high-quality dry dog ​​food each day.

This is on the downside of things because Chines is a small dog. Make sure you don't skimp on the quality of the food, or you're asking for more health concerns down the road.


Despite their small size, a sugar cane has a moderate energy level. If you live in an apartment, you'll need to take them out for more than one walk a day, and they'll enjoy a few trips to the dog park, where they can around run without their leashes. .

If you have a yard, they will enjoy the open space, but be sure to take them out for walks and introduce them to other animals. If you don't use enough chines, they can show destructive boredom behaviors that can be frustrating and expensive.


If you are a first-time pet owner, you may struggle to train Chinese. These dogs are notoriously stubborn, and even they can be difficult to housebreak. If you don't have what it takes to train them, we recommend taking them to a professional pet trainer, but keep in mind that this may cost you more. will

Consistency and perseverance are essential to training these children, as it often comes down to a battle of wills - and they are a strong-willed opponent.


If your Chihuahua takes after its Chihuahua parents, they will be moderate shedders that require daily brushing. If they take after their Havanese parents, they probably won't shed at all, but they'll still need daily brushing to keep their hair from matting.

No matter what parent they take after, you need to bathe them once a month with a high-quality shampoo. The wrong shampoo can cause skin problems, so don't skimp on the product, and over-bath your dog, as that can cause problems too.

Finally, brush your dog's teeth at least three to four times a week to prevent plaque build-up. This could save you hundreds, if not thousands, in doctor bills down the road.

Health and conditions

While many people prefer designer breeds because they are healthier than purebreds, with Chinese, that's just not the case. They are genetically susceptible to a wide range of problems including hypoglycemia, collapsed tracheas, patellar luxation, and eye problems.

  • Minor circumstances.
  • Eye problems
  • deafness
  • Serious situations.
  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Thrace fell.
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Patellar luxury.
  • Liver problems.
The best thing you can do for your Chinese is to take proper care of them, keep them on a healthy diet, and make sure they have annual checkups with the vet and that they Following all recommended advice.

Male versus female

Like most dogs, male Chinese puppies are slightly larger and more attention-dependent than females. So, if you're looking for a dog that wants extra love and attention, choose a male, but if you're looking for a baby that won't be on your lap every second second of every day. If you have to, choose a woman.

Also, keep in mind that women tend to be slightly more expensive than soldiers costing more than men. While this isn't a huge difference, it's something you should be aware of if you're on a tight budget.

Final thoughts

Chines are a cute and cuddly dog, but they are far from the easiest pets out there to care for. Still, if you can train and socialize them, they are great companions with longevity and can fit into the smallest of apartments or the largest of farms.

So, before you adopt a puppy, know what you're getting into, and make sure you can handle it because the last thing you want to do is rehome a dog that's already He is tied to you!

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#Chinese (Chihuahua and Havanese mix)

#Animals city   #pet animals 

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