Sunday 13 November 2022

Why does my cat sleep on me? 9 Reasons for This Behavior


  • 9 Reasons Your Cat Decided to Sleep on You
  • 1. Finding your heat
  • 2. Comfort.
  • 3. Security
  • 4. Hungry
  • 5. Not feeling well.
  • 6. Your seat or bed is comfortable.
  • 7. Thank you.
  • 8. Expression of affection
  • 9. They just love you.
  • Is this a sign that something is wrong?
  • Result
Why does my cat sleep on me? 9 Reasons for This Behavior

There's nothing better than enjoying the moment with your badass friend hanging on your lap. But you may be wondering why your cat has decided to sleep on you. Maybe it's a first-time thing or a regular occurrence, but is there a reason behind this behavior?

9 Reasons Your Cat Decided to Sleep on You

1. Finding your heat

If you've cared for your cat for a while, you may have noticed their common behavior of lying down in a nice, warm and sunny spot in your home, garden or balcony. Some cats even lie on top of electronics because they generate heat. In fact, cats are originally descended from desert animals, so it is natural for them to seek warmth.

2. Comfort.

When your cat unexpectedly decides to cuddle with you during the day or night, it may be seeking comfort. When your cat feels like being socialized, they may decide to come to you. They may or may not want to stroke, so check how your cat reacts if you try to interact with them while they are resting. Most cats will happily let you gently scratch behind their ears.

3. Security

Your cat may decide to drag you when it is weak or scared. There may be something in the environment that can cause them anxiety, such as loud noises, new pets, visitors, or changes in their surroundings.

4. Hungry

Feeding time can tell you a lot about behavior your cat's. Your cat may reach for a part of your body and rub around your legs. They are probably trying to signal to you that they are hungry for their breakfast.

5. Not feeling well.

If your cat is not feeling well, your cat may want to be closer to you, this may be a way of trying to let you know and comfort themselves with a human they trust. If your cat starts doing this and you notice some signs of an underlying disease, this could be the cause. If your cat shows behavioral changes and appears unwell, it is best to take them to the vet for a health checkup.

6. Your seat or bed is comfortable.

Resting if you are on a nice soft bed or relaxing on your couch, your cat may find this a desirable and comfortable spot as well.

7. Thank you.

Your cat may be sleeping on you to thank you for something you recently did that made them happy, such as feeding them, giving them a treat, or a new toy. It's not unusual to see it pay off.

8. Expression of affection

Your best friend may just be trying to bond with you and show you affection. This is very common with social animals or if they are feeling a bit lonely, although most cats choose to ignore their owners most of the time.

9. They just love you.

Your cat may be showing you love and happiness and they usually enjoy spending time with you and your presence makes them feel safe and loved, this is usually seen at night. If your cat decides to snuggle up to you on your bed.

Is this a sign that something is wrong?

If you suspect this behavior is health related, call your doctor. If you find that your cat is seeking warmth, placing a pillow or cat bed in a sunny area will help prevent this behavior.


Although there are a few known reasons for this behavior, almost all of the reasons are positive. And having your once-unsocial cat decide to take a nap on your lap can be a huge success for most pet parents!

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