Monday 13 March 2023

Why do horses need shoes? What is their purpose?

Why do horses need shoes? What is their purpose?


  • What are horse shoes?
  • The purpose of horseshoes.
  • Should you shoe your horse?
  • Are there any risks in wearing shoes?
  • Final thoughts.

You may have wondered why horses need shoes and what purpose a horseshoe serves. Like human nails, horse hooves grow continuously, and in the wild, they are naturally degraded by the terrain they live on. Domestic horses need joints to protect their hooves from rough surfaces not encountered in the wild, such as concrete.

Not all horses need shoes, and the big question is whether your horse needs them and whether they are harmful to your horse. In this article, we will look at why some horses need shoes and others not, what horse shoes are made of and what their purpose is. Let's begin!

What are horse shoes?

Horse shoes are U-plates that fit over your horses hooves. They are usually made of iron or steel  but sometimes rubber or aluminium, and are used to protect your horse's hooves from surfaces hard. Horse shoes are fitted by a farrier, a specialist in equine foot anatomy who makes custom horse shoes and trims your horses hooves. Shoes are nailed to the outside of your horses hooves, but don't worry! The outer part of your horse's hooves does not feel painful and the shoes do not hurt your horse.

Different types of horseshoes are used for specific purposes, such as sports or horses with specific conditions, including rim shoes, trailer shoes and square shoes.

The purpose of horseshoes

There are many reasons to shoe your horse, including protecting their hooves from damage, improving traction and preventing injury. This is especially true for horses that make repeated movements with their feet in events such as dressage and show.

Wild horses' hooves are naturally maintained as they trudge through miles of varied terrain every day, but domestic horses need shoes and regular trimming to keep their hooves comfortable and pain-free. Of course, it also depends on the individual horse, and less athletic horses will require less maintenance. Depending on your horse's activity level, they will need a hoof trim every 4-8 weeks, and unbalanced hooves can be disastrous for your horse.

That said, there is controversy surrounding shoeing practice, and there are some horsemen who believe that horses shouldn't wear shoes—they say that if your horse's shoes are trimmed and kept properly There is no need. Although it has been proven that shoeing does not cause any pain or stress to most horses, some people still believe that the practice is inhumane.

Should you shoe your horse?

Whether to shoe your horse depends largely on the individual horse and what the animal is being used for. Pleasure horses, for example, don't necessarily need shoes, and routine grooming and grooming are just fine for them.

That said, some horses have diseases or conditions that require the use of shoes to relieve pain, while others may have natural defects, such as flat hooves or muscle problems that shoes can help with. . In addition, horses that carry heavy weights need regular shoes to prevent their hooves from coming down too quickly, and so horses need extra traction in mud, snow, or ice.

Regardless of whether your horse needs shoes, they still require regular care, as domestic horses do not experience the conditions that would naturally wear their hooves.

Are there any risks in wearing shoes?

Shoeing your horse is more expensive than regular trimming, and there are definitely some risks involved. There is always a chance of misplacing the shoe when fitting, which can cause pain and discomfort later on. Also, your horse may accidentally remove a shoe from their hoof, potentially injuring a muscle or tendon or even tearing the hoof wall.

However, most farriers are experts who are extremely dedicated to their job, and there is little risk with an experienced farrier. Shoeing and letting your horse go barefoot have both risks and benefits, and in the end, it's what's best for the horse that matters.

Final thoughts

While domestic horses don't necessarily need shoes, they definitely need regular trimming and care of their hooves. Whether you decide to shoe your horse, it's important to find a good farrier that you trust.

There are many reasons and benefits to shoeing your horse, and they can help extend the life of your horse's hooves and protect them. There are some drawbacks besides cost, and if your horse is carrying a heavy load, being used for trail riding, or participating in equestrian sports, most experts agree that shoes are essential. .

How to Bond with Your Pet Birds (5 Proven Ways)



  • Make socialization a priority
  • Take advantage of the treatment
  • Practice pruning occasionally
  • Introduce new toys regularly
  • In conclusion
How to Bond with Your Pet Birds (5 Proven Ways)

Getting a pet bird is an exciting experience, regardless of the type of bird. They're fun to look at, they don't need daily walks outside like dogs, and they can live in a small habitat that doesn't take up much space indoors. However, relationships with your pet birds can be difficult. Even birds born in captivity are not naturally sociable and loving to humans.

It's up to us to learn how to properly bond with our beloved birds to ensure a happy, healthy experience for everyone. Fortunately, there are proven ways to build a loving, lifelong bond with your pet bird. We've outlined the most effective options to help ease the relationship process.

Make socialization a priority

Socializing your pet bird is essential if you want to build a strong bond. There are many different ways to socialize your birds and get them used to interacting with you and others in the household. First and foremost, it's important to make time to talk to your bird several times throughout the day. Stop by their habitat, and have short conversations with the birds as often as you can while at home.

Make sure you speak in a soft, sweet voice so as not to frighten your bird. They prefer calming behavior to loud, loud noises. Say the same things every day to encourage your bird to imitate, which can help your bird learn how to talk over time. At the very least, it will get you used to your communication and help separate you from other household members who interact with birds.

Other ways to socialize with your bird pet over time include:
  • After getting your initiative and interact with you first.

Take advantage of the treatment

Offering treats to your birds regularly is a great way to gain their trust, ensure optimal nutritional intake, and enhance your relationship in the months and years to come. Feeding your bird food will make your bird trust your hand and come closer to you when you approach them. Your bird can enjoy a variety of different treats as part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

Try the following options to see which one your bird likes best:
  • The carrot
  • Pea
  • Black paper
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Tomato
  • Papias
  • Apple
  • Cantaloupe
  • Strawberry
  • Fig
However, it's important to make sure that fruits and vegetables only make up 10 percent of your bird's diet. The rest should consist of a high-quality commercial diet that includes grains and seeds, as well as protein sources such as insects, eggs and small fish.

Practice pruning occasionally

Birds enjoy cleaning themselves and other birds, which is called preening. During the grooming process, a bird removes dirt, dust, dander, airborne contaminants and even parasites from its feathers. This is an essential task that birds all engage in for optimal health as they age. You can use preening to help bond between you and your bird, even if you don't have a beak.

Use your hands to gently brush the toes of your bird's head and mimic the preening that they do themselves and other birds do to them. This process should also help your bird to trust you better so that bonding and communication will be easier in the future.

Introduce new toys regularly

Toys encourage birds to be active and release pent-up energy, which helps relieve stress and enable calmness. The more peaceful your bird feels, the more likely they will engage with you.

You can interact with toys at the same time as your bird to enhance bonding and interaction at any time. Mirrors are a great option because they allow birds to practice communicating by talking to themselves. Hanging toys that curl and curl together are useful for shy birds that need to learn how to come out of their shell.

In conclusion

Pet birds take time to get to know and bond, so be patient once you get started. It may take days, weeks or months for a bird to feel comfortable around its human family members. Stay the course and don't get discouraged, because every day you miss is another setback when it comes to relationships.

Can dogs eat peas? What do you want to know!



  • Are peas bad for my dog?
  • Canned peas
  • Pea pods
  • Purines
  • Are peas good for my dog?
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Low sugar
  • How should I feed my dog ​​peas?
  • Abstract

Can dogs eat peas? What do you want to know!

Peas are a common food in many homes because they're cheap and go with a variety of dishes, so it's a wonder if they're healthy for our dogs to eat, too. The short answer is yes. Your dog can peas eat, and they can be healthy very. However, there are some ways you shouldn't feed them. Read on as we read about the benefits of eating peas as well as any health risks. We'll also discuss the best way to feed peas and how often you'll want to provide them.

Are peas bad for my dog?

Canned peas

Many experts recommend avoiding canned peas because most brands have too much added sodium to the can. Too much salt can cause bloating, excessive thirst and many other problems. Canned peas may also contain other chemicals and preservatives that can be harmful to your pet's health. When choosing peas for your dog it is best to stick to fresh produce.

Pea pods

Although pea pods can be a delicious addition to a human meal or salad, they are a choking hazard for your dog. Smaller dog breeds are more prone to choking, but it can happen in any size dog, so we recommend sticking to peas only and leaving the pods for humans.


Peas contain purines that convert to uric acid which needs to be filtered by the kidneys and too much uric acid can lead to kidney stones. Dogs with kidney disease should avoid eating peas because of the purines they contain, but healthy dogs shouldn't have any problems.

Are peas good for my dog?

Vitamins and minerals

Peas contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for your pet's health and well-being. Vitamins such as A, B and K boost the immune system, improve vision and allow blood to clot. Minerals like zinc iron, magnesium and potassium help your dog's body develop properly.


Peas are a great source of protein, and many dog ​​food brands include them for this reason. It's an inexpensive way to provide your pet with the building blocks for energy and strong muscles. Most experts recommend feeding your dog a diet that contains at least 18 percent protein, so any diet that contains protein will help you reach that goal.


Peas are high in fiber which helps your dog stay regular and less likely to get constipation and diarrhea. Fiber will also help your dog feel full longer, and will be less likely to seek out snacks between meals.

Low sugar

Peas are low in sugar, making them a great choice for pets who are struggling with weight issues around the world, with some experts estimating that 45 percent of dogs over the age of five are overweight. Obesity can cause some health problems for your dog, including kidney disease, heart disease  and diabetes.

How should I feed my dog ​​peas?

We recommend feeding freshly grown peas that you have grown in your garden. If you don't have a garden, you can buy fresh beans at the grocery store. In any case, you will need to remove the peas from the pod and discard them. You can feed your pet a bowl of peas, or you can mix it into their regular food to reap the health benefits. Unless your pet has kidney disease, you don't need to worry about how much you feed, and you can provide it as often as you like. Frozen peas make a treat great on a hot summer day.


We recommend adding peas to your pet's diet as long as his kidneys are healthy. There is no limit to how much he can eat or how often. If he eats too much in one sitting, the high amount of fiber can cause your pet to experience mild diarrhea. If you notice loose stools, we recommend cutting out peas for a few days.

We hope you enjoyed reading this discussion about the safety of this popular dog ingredient. If we've added any new foods to your pet's diet, please share this guide to feeding your dog peas on Facebook and Twitter.

Can dogs eat cherries? What do you want to know?



  • Dogs can eat cherries
  • Cherry Nutrition Facts
  • Benefits of eating cherries for dogs
  • Disadvantages of dogs eating cherries
  • Cherry pits and stems are potentially dangerous
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Cyanide poisoning
  • Cherry foods to avoid feeding your dog
  • Cherries and Dogs
  • Final Thoughts

Can dogs eat cherries

We're guessing you've landed on this article for one of two reasons: either your dog has scarfed down a few cherries, or you want to add fresh food to their diet. Either way, you want to learn if your dog can eat cherries. And the good news is, your baby can safely enjoy the fleshy parts of cherries.

But keep in mind—only the flesh of cherries is edible for dogs. They cannot eat the stems or pits of this wonderful little fruit. Read on to learn how to safely feed your dog cherries.

Dogs can eat cherries

The cherry fruit itself is perfectly fine for your dogs. This fruit contains many valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

If you feed your cherries raw, be sure to remove the pits and stems as these parts contain a certain level of toxicity that can give your dog an upset stomach.

Cherry Nutrition Facts

Nutrients per serving:
  • Calories: 97
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 24 g
  • Fiber: 3 g
  • Sugars: 20 g
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium

Benefits of eating cherries for dogs

When dogs eat cherries, it can give them antioxidants and other nutrients that benefit their bodies. Along with a dose of fiber, cherries will help digest and increase your dog's good gut bacteria.

Cherries also have excellent anti-inflammatory properties to keep all of your dog's tissues, muscles and cartilage in tip-top shape. It is even hypothesized that cherries regulate the body's sleep-wake cycle because they contain the right amount of melatonin.

Disadvantages of dogs eating cherries

Although this little red fruit has a lot to offer, you have to be careful. Cherries are high in sugar. Dogs are attracted to sweet foods, so you need to be careful not to give your dog too many sweet treats.

Cherries can also cause gastrointestinal upset and discomfort in large amounts. If your dog eats too much, it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or general discomfort.

Cherry pits and stems are potentially dangerous

Like many other fruits, cherry pits and stems can cause problems for your dog. If you plan to serve them a sweet cherry snack, make sure you remove any pits or greens.

Intestinal obstruction

If your dog eats too many cherries, the pits can build up in their intestines, causing an intestinal obstruction. If the blockage is severe enough, it may require surgery (which can be very expensive).

Cyanide poisoning

Cherry pits contain a compound called amygdalin. When the pit is chewed and crushed, the body converts amygdalin into cyanide. Although a single cherry pit will not cause much damage, many pits together can cause poisoning.

If you know your dog has eaten cherries with pits or stems, take them to your veterinarian right away, even if they aren't showing any symptoms.

Cherry foods to avoid feeding your dog

If you want to give your dog cherries, it's best to feed them natural, organic fruit.

Try to avoid foods such as:
  • Cherry pie
  • Cherry ice cream
  • Cherry candies
  • Cherry pastry
  • Chocolate covered cherries

Not only are human foods bad for us to eat, they can also contain other harmful ingredients that you may not even suspect. Better to avoid these foods altogether and stick to the real thing.

Cherries and Dogs: Final Thoughts

So, now you know cherries are perfectly safe for your dog to allow with their stems and pits removed. It is best if you give your dog cooked cherry flesh in digestible portions.

Try to avoid sweet human treats for your dog that are cherry flavored. Most of these products contain artificial sweeteners and other harmful ingredients that you may not even know about. As always, moderation is key—so don't let your dog in the wa





  • Beginning of Maltese
  • A new lease on life
  • The dog you see today
  • Internal Maltese
  • Mood
  • Living with Maltese
  • What will the training be like?
  • How active is the Maltese?
  • Caring for the Maltese
  • Grooming requirements
  • Feeding time
  • How do they get along with children and other animals?
  • What could go wrong?
  • Health concerns
  • Cutting statistics
  • Your baby's price tag
  • Name

The Maltese is a small dog that has been popular with royalty, nobility as well as common people all over the world for centuries. It was and still is a beloved companion dog but is incredibly athletic and competes in events such as tracking, agility, rallying and obedience.
The Maltese is a very popular lap dog. It is a great companion, it is gentle, happy, eager to please, loving and loyal. House training can be difficult so requires owners who are strong and consistent as well as patient. It is not the best dog for cold weather or damp people.

Here's the Maltese at a glance.
  • Name: Maltese
  • Other names: Maltese lion dog.
  • Nickname: No one
  • Original: Orange
  • Average size: Toy, small.
  • Average weight: 4 to 7 pounds.
  • Average height: 7 to 10 inches.
  • Lifetime: 12 to 15 years - some live a little longer.
  • Type of coat: Long and silky.
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes
  • The color: White, light ivory.
  • popularity Quite popular - ranked 31st by AKC.
  • intelligence: Awesome - the brightest toy dog.
  • Heat tolerance: Good - can handle some heat but not extremes.
  • Cold tolerance: Low - Not good in any kind of cold weather.
  • excuse Low - does not shed too much.
  • sway Kim - Not a dog known for a doll.
  • obesity Average - May gain weight if overfed but not obese.
  • Grooming/brushing: Daily brushing if the coat is kept long.
  • To barkAgain and again - having strict noise rules on pets may not be a good dog.
  • Exercise requirements: Moderate - Gets most of his needs indoors but will need daily walks.
  • TrainableModerate - Housebreaking in particular may take longer.
  • friendship: Very nice - social and friendly.
  • Good first dog: Great - may need help with training though.
  • Good family pet: Great with socialization.
  • Good with kids: Good with socialization - with older children not younger.
  • Good with other dogs: Great - Due to his size larger dogs can accidentally injure him during play although he does need supervision.
  • Good with other pets: Good with socialization.
  • Good with strangers: Moderate - Can be cautious at first, can be shy if not socialized well.
  • Nice apartment dog: Perfect for size.
  • Handles alone time well: Low – May suffer from separation anxiety.
  • Health problems Good - Some problems include patellar luxation, liver problems, eye problems and white dog shaker syndrome.
  • Treatment expenses $435 a year for pet insurance plus the basics.
  • Food expenses: $75 a year including dog treats
  • Miscellaneous expenses $465 per year for grooming, license, basic training, toys and other miscellaneous expenses.
  • Average annual expenses.$975 as a starting figure.
  • Cost to buy: $2000
  • Cutting statistics: No one reported.

Beginning of Maltese

The Maltese are an ancient race with ancestors that can be traced back to Greek and Roman literature and art as far back as 500 BC. Its true origins are unknown, there is some argument that it descends from Spitz dogs and some Asian dogs are related to the Tibetan Terrier. It came to Europe with the nomadic tribes from wherever it is and is known by various names including Canis Meletius, Maltese Lion Dog, Roman Lady's Dog and Melita. It was so named because some believe it came from the island of Malta. It has been mentioned or drawn upon in many different cultures for over 2000 years.

By the 1400s it was a beloved companion of the French aristocracy and by the 1500s in England for royalty and nobility, especially royal ladies, from Queen Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots through the Victorian era, and Queen Victoria herself. Many paintings and portraits from this period show noble women with their Maltese consorts.

It was in the 17th and 18th centuries that the Maltese race almost disappeared. At that time breeders were trying to reduce it to the size of a squirrel and their efforts were disastrous. The species is damaged and will become extinct without intervention.

A new lease on life

Eventually breeders had to cross the Maltese with other small dogs such as miniature spaniels, East Asian miniature dogs and poodles to survive. He saved the dog but there were different breeds of Maltese, 9 and several new breeds were created in the early 19th century including many, Havanese, Bolognese and Bichon Frize.

In the late 19th century the Maltese was recognized by both the English and American Kennel Clubs. His numbers in the U.S. grew slowly but until the 1950s when he regained popularity in dog shows and as a companion. Today he is ranked as the 31st most popular dog by the AKC.

The dog you see today

The Maltese is a small toy dog ​​that weighs 4 to 7 pounds and stands 7 to 10 inches tall. It has a compact body, a long, square body with a white or light ivory, silky single coat. When not kept as a show dog, many owners choose to keep the coat as short as 1 inch in length because it is easier to maintain, otherwise it hangs almost to the ground.

It has low-set feathered ears that are drooped, large round black eyes and a tail that is long and drapes over its back. It is well boned and has a deep chest. Its head is slightly rounded and it has a mouth of medium length. The nose is black with sufficient sun exposure, but may be light brown or pink when not exposed to much sun. It will return darker with more sun exposure.

Internal Maltese


The Maltese is smart and active, and although not overly protective, it will bark when you let it know about an intruder. It is a frequent barker and loves to play, but in some places like Australia it is a highly abandoned dog due to its frequent barking.

It is also affectionate and affectionate and enjoys a life of hugs, affection and attention. It is intelligent and friendly, bold and not afraid of big dogs. It is easy to facilitate and should be avoided as it does not become a handful. A Maltese that thinks it's in charge can display erratic behavior, be difficult to control, quick-tempered and demanding.

When well nurtured and nurtured, it is a gentle but happy energetic little dog. It is very devoted but its attachment nature means it can develop separation anxiety when left alone for too long. It can also lead to irritation when you are being distracted by guests. Generally they are of an inquisitive nature but some lines are more outgoing and some are a little more cautious.

Living with Maltese

What will the training be like?
It is a smart dog and enjoys hanging out with you so can be moderately easy to train with the right approach. The approach means keeping in mind that it is sensitive so rigid techniques will not succeed. It also requires you to be a clear pack leader, assertive, in charge, consistent but patient and positive. It will respond better to rewards, incentives and treats.

If training is more difficult than you are prepared for, you can approach vocational schools or trainers. Don't skip early socialization or obedience training. The dog will be better for it and your life will be better with the dog. House training can be difficult and time consuming. Some people train him to use the litter box because it is quite small, especially if you live where it is very cold or hot. Does not do well in the climate.

How active is the Maltese?

Considering how small this dog is, it's safe to say that it's perfect for apartment living, it doesn't need a yard and although it's an active and lively dog ​​it doesn't require much effort when He needs it. It comes down to physical exercise. It is very active inside and with the right rotation of toys it can meet many of its physical and mental needs there. Take it out for 10 to 15 minutes a day or two and it will be happy.

This is a dog that remains lively and lively even in old age. If there is a yard, make sure it is well secured, small enough to get through some small spaces. Avoid walking too far when it is younger than 8 months because the bones are still developing. Most Maltese are great at making up their own games for fun and stimulation such as hiding a toy under the kitchen cabinet and then trying to retrieve it!

Caring for the Maltese

Grooming requirements

This dog has a single coat and does not shed much so it is considered a good option for people with allergies. This means that there is no cleaning around the house when it comes to detangling hair. This does mean though that he will need to be taken to a professional groomer regularly to have his hair cut and trimmed. When kept long it will need to be brushed daily as it tangles easily and can collect debris. If it is not a show dog, it may be easier to trim it to a more manageable length.

When it comes to baths, the best policy with any dog ​​is to only give them one as they need it. Frequent washing affects the skin's essential oils. Make sure you only use dog shampoo for that reason. When his nails get too long, he will need to be trimmed, taking care not to cut or chip too early. He will need to have his ears checked for infections once a week and be swabbed and his teeth brushed two to three times a week. It can stain under the eyes so wipe them regularly. Solutions or powders are specially formulated to remove tear stains.

Feeding time

He will need to feed ¼ to ½ cup of good quality dry dog ​​food a day and this should be divided into two meals. Avoid feeding them table scraps as this is not always healthy for them and can also make them picky eaters. The exact amount you feed him will depend on his size, age, health, activity level and metabolism. Some Maltese may have a more delicate digestive system than others.

How do they get along with children and other animals?

While this might go well with older children who know to be careful around it, it's best not for a family with young children. In fact, many Maltese breeders will not even sell to owners who have small children. It is a small and delicate breed and it is very easy to hurt a small child or even cause serious injury through careless play. Also be warned that when the Maltese is malnourished and develops small dog syndrome, it can be unpleasant around children.

With socialization it can get along with other animals and dogs but needs to take care of other dogs especially large animals. It is challenging for larger dogs at first, and some people find it like a chew toy so supervision is essential.

What could go wrong?

Health concerns

In general, this is a fairly healthy dog. It has a life span of 12 to 15 years, and can live quite a while with really good care. Be careful with so-called teacup maltese though as they are prone to more genetic disorders and more health problems in general.

Health concerns may include digestive problems, sunburn, dental problems, patellar luxation, liver problems, eye problems, hypoglycemia, white dog shaker syndrome, reverse sneezing and collapsing trachea. Buy from a good breeder and at the same time see the health clearance for the dog you should see for both parents.

Cutting statistics

In 34 years of reports of dog attacks on people in Canada and the United States, no serious injuries to Maltese have been reported. However, people are less likely to report injuries from small dogs and Maltese can be aggressive if poorly bred and raised. Also any dog ​​can become aggressive given certain situations or circumstances. As the owner you are responsible for ensuring that risks are minimized. No matter what size dog you have, it needs to be trained, socialized, well fed and cared for in terms of physical and mental stimulation.

Your baby's price tag

Although the Maltese is such an inexpensive dog, it is not cheap to buy. On average you can expect to pay a good breeder $2000, if you want to use a top show breeder. Generally, women will cost more than men. You can get it for less by looking at listings, backyard breeders and the like but then you don't know what the lines are like. You can also adopt from a rescue or shelter for $50 to $200 and that will include medical procedures that you would otherwise have to do, but it may be an adult dog that is not a puppy.

When you have a puppy, you need to have it checked by a vet. He must also have blood tests, be given some vaccinations, be microchipped, dewormed, and eventually spayed or neutered. These medical needs will cost about $260.

A few basic items will be needed, a collar and leash, bowls, bedding, a crate and carrier to start with. These costs will start at $120.

Annual costs for basic medical needs such as flea prevention, pet insurance, checkups with the vet, heartworm prevention and shots come in at a starting figure of $435.

Feeding a Maltese is not a deal breaker. For a good quality dry dog ​​food and some treats you can expect it to start around $75 a year. If you prefer a more expensive brand or more exotic treatment, they will cost more. Because the Maltese can be fussy, you may need to try a variety of foods before you find something you like.

Training is another cost of the concentrator. How much it will cost per year depends on the level of training you are taking. If you are just doing some basic obedience it will be around $120 dollars. But it can depend on what kind of level you want to take, and whether it's something you do yourself or pay for.

Other annual expenses will include license for $20, grooming for $270, toys for $20, miscellaneous expenses for $35.

The total will cost at least $975 per year.


Dog Male Dog Names
Female Dog Names
The Maltese is a very popular lap dog. It is a great companion, it is gentle, happy, eager to please, loving and loyal. House training can be difficult so requires owners who are strong and consistent as well as patient. It is not the best dog for cold weather or damp people.

Grooming takes time if you choose to keep her hair long. Also, if it is long, the middle part of the back where it is parted can get sunburned so it will need maintenance.

With proper socialization and training it is a lovely dog ​​but many owners tend to spoil it due to its cuteness and size. With this in mind, you will have many years of love and companionship.

Sunday 12 March 2023





  • The beginning of animals
  • A new lease on life
  • The dog you see today
  • The inner beast
  • Mood
  • Living with an animal
  • What will the training be like?
  • How active is the Havanese?
  • Care of animals
  • Grooming requirements
  • Feeding time
  • How do they get along with children and other animals?
  • What could go wrong?
  • Health concerns
  • Cutting statistics
  • Your baby's price tag
  • Name

The Havanese is a Cuban dog loved by many for its silky long hair and small size, perfect as a lap dog. His tendency to stay very close to his owner with whom he becomes most attached has earned him the nickname 'Velcro Dog'. It is an active dog and loves to learn and perform tricks as well as perform well in competitive obedience and agility events.

Here's the beast at a glance
  • Name: Havanese
  • Other names: Bichon Havanese, Havana Silk Dog, Bichon Havanese, Bichon Habanero, Havana Cuban Bichon, Bichon Havanese,
  • Nickname: Havanizer, Havanizer.
  • OriginalCuba
  • Average size: Toy, small.
  • Average weight: 7 to 13 pounds.
  • Average height: 8 to 11 inches.
  • Lifetime: 12 to 14 years.
  • Type of coat: Long, silky.
  • Hypoallergenic: Yes
  • The color: Cream, white, red, chocolate brown, fawn, beige, blue, silver, black and gold,
  • popularity: Very Good - 24th according to the AKC classification.
  • Intelligence: Great - This is a smart dog, one of the sharpest toy breeds.
  • Heat tolerance: Very good - able to handle quite hot weather.
  • Cold tolerance: Good - but not able to handle extreme cold.
  • Excuse: Low - it does not shed a large amount.
  • Sway Kim - Not known for drooling.
  • Obesity A fairly high diet and exercise monitoring is required.
  • Grooming/brushing: Brushing is not easy and will require daily brushing.
  • To bark occasional to Frequent – ​​May require some training to stop.
  • Exercise requirements: Quite active - quite an active dog.
  • Trainable: Easy to train - some houses can be difficult to break.
  • Friendship: Excellent - This is a very friendly and happy dog.
  • Good first dog: Excellent - New owners will be fine with this dog.
  • Good family pet: Excellent - Makes a great family dog.
  • Good with kids: Great - playful and loving with them.
  • Good with other dogs: Excellent with socializing.
  • Good with other pets: Great with socialization.
  • Good with strangers: Excellent - it's very friendly and approachable.
  • Nice apartment dog: Great - It's a great size for apartment living as long as it moves outside daily.
  • Handles alone time well: Low – May suffer from separation anxiety.
  • Health problems: Healthy dog, only a few serious problems - patellar luxation, liver and heart problems, eye problems.
  • Treatment expenses Starting $435 a year including pet insurance.
  • Food expenses: $75 a year or more including treatment.
  • Miscellaneous expenses$465 a year which includes only grooming, license, basic training, toys and miscellaneous expenses.
  • Average annual expenses: $975 or more.
  • Cost to buy.$1000
  • Cutting statistics: Not reported.

The beginning of animals

The Havanese comes from the Bichon family of dogs and is said to have originated in Cuba. Bichon dogs, popular in Europe, were brought to Cuba in the 1600s. As it adapted to the Cuban climate it became shorter with a white silky coat and is the ancestor of the Havanese. It was called the Animal Silk Dog or Blancato de la Habana and is no longer around.

When poodles became popular in Cuba in the 1800s, the Blanquito was crossed with them, leading to the Bacon Havanese. The Havanese was a popular lap dog among the Cuban nobility and wealthy and soon became Cuba's favorite dog. Travelers to Cuba also fell in love with the dog and some were brought back to Europe with both Charles Dickens and Queen Victoria said to be admirers. However, while the trend for them in Europe ended in Cuba, it continued until 1959.

During the revolution in 1959, many wealthy Cubans fled to the United States, and a small number brought their Havanese with them. Breeding became less important in Cuba itself as other concerns became greater. At one time, it was close to becoming an extinct breed of dog even in its native Cuba.

A new lease on life

When Cuban refugees arrived and settled in America in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most people had to leave everything behind. But a small number were brought and Mrs. Goodell, an American breeder, sought Havanese to breed. By advertising in the papers, she was able to find 6 ancestral Hawaiians and later found 5 more from Costa Rica. With these dogs she managed to bring the breed from the brink of extinction.

His work led to the first breeding lines in 1974 and with dedicated work he and other breeders have continued to ensure that the breed thrives once again. In the 1980s some breeders in Germany found that some dogs are being produced that do not have the silky coats of other Havanese but smooth coats. This was also found in some other breeds and hence these Havanese are called Smooth Coated Havanese or Shivani for short.

It was recognized by the AKC in 1996 and is ranked the 24th most popular dog today.

The dog you see today

The Havanese is a small but sturdy dog, weighing only 7 to 13 pounds and standing 8 to 11 inches tall. It has a long double coat that is soft underneath and silky on top. It can be straight, wavy or curly. There are some that have short hair genes that are recessive so when two adults that both have that gene are bred some litters may be smooth coated. Colors include white, silver, cream, gold, chocolate, black, blue, tricolor and partial colors.

It has a long tail that arches over its back and long plumes. Most have dark almond eyes although some may be green. It has a tapered forehead and a slightly flat head and deep chest. Ears hang halfway to the nose but do not touch the face.

The inner beast


This dog is affectionate and gentle and is suitable as a family dog ​​or companion for couples or singles, young or old. It is responsible and trainable and quite intelligent. It is a very happy and friendly dog ​​and generally gets along well with everyone. It usually doesn't bark a lot but some can, and in these cases they don't have to be trained. It is alert though and will bark to let you know if there is an intruder.

Its affectionate nature, need for people around it and tendency to bond more closely with an owner mean it can be a lap dog. It will follow you around the house if you are the center of its affection and it can suffer from separation anxiety and should not be left alone for long periods of time. It can be wary of strangers but is very friendly once introduced. It can be more embarrassing if not properly socialized.

Because of its size, some owners have a tendency to treat it like a child, spoil it and take it everywhere. This can lead to problems with small dog syndrome but this is a problem caused by owners that is not a natural part of their personality. Although it is more dependent it should not be quick or aggressive and should not be overbearing when encouraged.

Because it is such a happy, kind dog that trains well it is often used in many fields including assistance dog, termite and mold detection, therapy dog, performance and tracking.

Living with an animal

What will the training be like?
It is easy to train but requires a strong trainer. If it thinks it's more dominant than you, it won't respond well. It also does not respond well to negative training techniques. It will hear the nuances in your voice so you need to be firm, consistent but positive and patient. Use treats, praise and encouragement and make it clear that you are the boss and things will go well. He has a past as a circus performer and loves attention. However, housebreaking can be another problem, some houses are difficult to train and may require more time and patience.

Early training and socialization are key to a well-behaved, reliable and confident dog. It's not something to give up on being small and cute. Anyone who does not have the time or motivation to train, or have their dog trained and socialized cannot become a dog owner.

How active is the Havanese?

As a small dog it is perfectly suited to living in an apartment as long as it has some time for exercise each day. It's also active inside, playing with toys and the like, so some of the activity and mental stimulation it needs can be achieved that way. He doesn't need a yard to be happy, but if one is, make sure it's properly secured.

He needs at least two good walks a day, at least 15 minutes each. It will also enjoy trips to the dog park where it can run and play freely although it may need to be watched by larger dogs. If it's acting up, chewing, barking, restless and hyper it could mean it's not getting the activity and stimulation it needs.

Care of animals

Grooming requirements

When keeping it as a pet and not as a show dog grooming can be simplified by trimming the coat. However if it is kept long it will need to be brushed and combed daily to remove the tangles and debris that can easily build up. It will also need regular trimming, especially around the face unless the hair is tied back. Those with corded coats will also need professional grooming. Although it is a low-shedding dog it has many needs in terms of coat care.

Bathing should only be given as needed so as not to affect the natural oils in his skin. Make sure to use low heat to wash and comb your hair mostly after showering to avoid damaging it. Interestingly, the long-haired Havanese is hypoallergenic but the smooth short-coated Havanese is not.

It will also need to have its ears cleaned and checked for infections once a week as it can be prone to ear infections. His nails should be trimmed when they get too long and this is a job for someone with experience, even if you are a professional groomer, because of the nerves and blood vessels in them. Also, brush your teeth at least two to three times a week. It will also need to clean its eyes and face daily as it can be prone to tear stains.

Feeding time

He should be fed 1 to 1 cup of a high-quality dry dog ​​food each day, and should be fed in two meals. The exact amount to feed him will vary depending on his diet, metabolism, activity level and general health. It is important to measure his food and not leave too much for him to graze because the animal is prone to obesity, he will eat more if he has the chance.

How do they get along with children and other animals?

The Havanese is a great dog that gets along well with everyone, including children and other pets and dogs. It will love to play with and love children although small children need to be taught to care and may need supervision, simply because of the animals size. Socialization will help ensure that he can adapt to meeting other dogs and improve his interactions.

What could go wrong?

Health concerns

It is a healthy dog ​​with a lifespan of 12 to 14 years. All dogs have health problems that can occur and for pets these include eye problems, patellar luxation, leg-callopathies, heart and liver problems, skin problems, chondrodysplasia, deafness and joint problems. Errors are included. Make sure you buy from a good breeder who can show health clearance not only for the dog but also for its parents.

Cutting statistics

Looking at a report that covers the past 34 years of dog attacks against people in the United States and Canada, there is no mention of Havanese being involved in any of the attacks. However, keep in mind that any dog ​​can become aggressive or snap or react physically. It's also true that dogs that are well-chosen to fit your lifestyle, given mental and physical stimulation, well-fed, trained, socialized and Pets are less likely to be involved in any incident than dogs are not raised.

Your baby's price tag

The average price of a Howie's puppy from a good breeder is approx. It will be 1000 dollars. You can pay more when you want a show dog and buy from show dog breeders. If you choose to save the dog, you may also pay less, about $50 to $200, which will also save money on initial medical procedures. But a rescue dog is more likely to become an adult than a puppy.

Some medical concerns will need to be taken care of when you first get it, such as a physical exam, vaccinations, deworming, blood tests and if old enough, neutering or spaying depending on whether the dog is male or female. . It will also require micro-chipping. These costs will start at $260.

There will also be some things that you will need at home. A crate, carrier, bowl, collar and leash for example all $120 or more.

Annual expenses are both non-medical and medical in nature. Medical basics start at $435 a year for checkups, flea prevention, pet insurance and vaccinations. Any injuries, accidents or health issues not covered by pet insurance will add up.

Annual non-medical basics like food and treats are going to be $75. Other expenses such as grooming, toys, basic training, licenses and miscellaneous items are going to be about $46,465 a year. There may be other costs on top of this, such as kenneling, dog walking or further training.

The cost of owning a Havanese is $975 per year.


Looking for a pet dog name? Let's choose one from our list!

Dog Male Dog Names
Female Dog Names

The Cuban National Dog is a small but sturdy dog ​​that is very attractive but requires a lot of time, care and some money to maintain this look. A lap dog, it is affectionate and loves to give and receive affection but it is also lively and active and will need daily walks.

Owners who live away often or who do not want a hanging dog should not consider Havanese. It will attach itself to you and hates being alone. It is a very friendly and happy dog ​​and makes a great companion.

Female vs Male Peacocks: How to Tell the Difference


Female vs Male Peacocks: How to Tell the Difference


  • At a glance
  • Coloring
  • Sizing
  • Head and neck
  • Deeds
  • In conclusion

The main difference between male and female peacock is that technically male is called peacock and female is called peacock. Generally the proper term for these animals, regardless of their gender, is peacock. Several other differences between male and female pearls can help you determine which one you're dealing with. We discuss four notable differences between male and female pearls that you should know about.

At a glance


  • Average length (adult): 7.5 feet including tail
  • Average weight (adult): 9-13 pounds
  • Lifespan: Up to 20 years.
  • Friendly Family: No
  • Friendly to other pets: Rarely.

A woman

  • Average length (adult): 3.5 feet including tail
  • Average weight (adult): 6-9 pounds
  • Lifespan: Up to 20 years.
  • Family Friendly: Not advised.
  • Friendly to other pets: Rarely.


The most obvious difference between of peacocks is their coloration. Males are the more attractive of the two, with vibrant blue and/or green feathers that are hard to look away from when fully extended. Their bright plumage is designed to impress females during mating season.

Female peacock feathers are more muted than males and may not be blue or green. Many females sport brown or gray feathers that help them hide around when predators get too close. Also, peacocks have blue or greenish bellies, while peacocks have white bellies.


Another thing that can give the gender of pearls is their size. Peacocks are significantly larger than estuarines and typically weigh 9 to 13 pounds when they reach maturity. Females typically weigh between 9 and 6 pounds. Boy peacocks are also about a foot longer than girls when fully grown. Tail size is another difference.

Peacocks have long, active tails that can grow up to 75 inches in length. Females have short tails of 2 to 6 inches. Their tail feathers are dull, and they cannot fan their tails like their male counterparts can. The male's tail is useful during mating season and helps provide protection from predators.

Head and neck

Peacocks have long, graceful necks with blue feathers that look like soft fur. Peahens also have long necks, but their neck feathers are usually green or blue, and they look more like scales than fur. Girls can wiggle their neck feathers, while boys can't.

Both males and females have different white markings above and below their eyes, but the markings below women's eyes usually match their skin color, so they are not as easily seen on males. Also, the crest of the feathers on top of the pearl's head varies. The crest consists of long shafts that attach to the bird's head and carry small clusters of feathers on top. Boys' crest feathers are usually blue, while girls' feathers are usually brown or tan.


Both males and females take different actions on a daily basis. Males remove their tails whenever they want to impress a female or gain attention from tall grass or fields of plants. Females do not fan their tail feathers, but they do wave them when fighting other otters or to quickly warn another otter of danger. Males spend most of their time alone, while females tend to the young and build nests during the day. Female peacocks are generally more sociable than males, but they are also generally more territorial.

In conclusion

The next time you see a group of peacocks hanging out together, you should know which are the males and which are the females within minutes. Can you think of any other way to tell the difference between male and female?


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