Wednesday 28 September 2022

Asian Painted Frog (Chubby Frog)


Asian Painted Frog (Chubby Frog)


  • Quick facts about the Asian Painted Frog
  • Overview of the Asian Painted Frog
  • How Much Do Asian Painted Frogs Cost?
  • General attitude and temperament
  • Appearance and types.
  • How to Care for Asian Painted Frogs
  • Tank
  • Substrate
  • Temperature and humidity
  • hides
  • Do Asian Painted Frogs Get Along With Other Pets?
  • What to Feed Your Asian Painted Frog
  • Keeping Your Asian Painted Frog Healthy
  • Breeding
  • Are Asian Painted Frogs Right For You?

The Asian fat frog or "painted frog," as it isknown affectionately, is a narrow-mouthed toad that in Southeast Asia originated, the species where is widespread. The species is so hardy and adaptable that its population continues to grow despite extensive stocking of wild specimens for the food and pet markets. They have even been introduced to other parts of the world, where their populations have grown large enough to cause environmental problems, particularly in areas like Florida.

This hardiness and adaptability is exactly what makes the fat frog such a great pet, although they are easily and quickly tamed in captivity, even when conditions are not ideal. If you want to know more about this charming amphitheater, read on for an in-depth look!

Quick facts about the Asian Painted Frog

  • Species Name: Cloula Plechera
  • Family: Microhyoid frog.
  • Level of care: Easy
  • Temperature: 68 ° F - 78 ° F -
  • Mood: Easy, friendly, tough
  • Form color: Brown body with distinctive stripes.
  • Lifetime: 10+ years
  • Size: 2-3 inches long
  • Food: Crickets, bugs and other insects
  • Minimum tank size: 15 gallons
  • Tank Setup: Moist substrate, hides and live plants: Great for hardy and beginners

Overview of the Asian Painted Frog

Although the fat frog is popular in the pet trade, relatively little is known about its behavior in the wild. This species is found in Southeast Asia, including India and Malaysia, usually inhabiting deciduous forest floors and rice fields. When they feel threatened, they have the ability to inflate and secrete a non-toxic but foul-tasting sticky mucus to protect themselves from predators.

These frogs have a voracious appetite and walk slowly, earning them the nicknames "chubby frog" and "bubble frog," which emphasize their small body and small limbs. They are usually inactive during the day and settle under dead leaves and are more active at night when they feed. 

How Much Do Asian Painted Frogs Cost?

Fat frogs do not breed easily in captivity, and thus, are very rare. Most frogs in pet stores are wild-caught because they are so plentiful, and they are usually fairly inexpensive. If you want to buy an Asian painted frog from a pet store, you can expect to pay $12-$30.

General attitude and temperament

Fat frogs are nocturnal, meaning they are only active at night. They are generally docile and restless animals, and although they may mistake your finger for a bug and try to bite, they are mostly harmless. They must be handled with care and gentleness, although they will draw and secrete foul mucus when they feel threatened. While it's not toxic, it's certainly not pleasant. They are adaptable animals that do well in captivity, and their gentle nature and low needs make them easy and comfortable pets to care for.

Appearance and types

As their nickname suggests, these frogs are round in shape with round legs and a small, rounded nut. The part of painted their name is also appropriate, as they have two beautiful yellow creamy stripes with black borders that vertically run down their backs and contrast with the dark brown color of their backs. are They usually have gray underbelly, although it is often darker in males.

There are three recognized subspecies of the Asian painted frog, and the jury is still out on whether they should be considered their own unique species or just a subspecies.

How to Care for Asian Painted Frogs

Frogs are easy to house and have certain requirements to live a happy and healthy life. They do not require much space, and their needs can be easily and cheaply met. Fortunately, they don't need special lighting, but you should maintain a normal day/night cycle for them.


A 15-gallon tank is an ideal size for an obese frog, and a general rule of thumb is 20 inches long by 10 inches wide and at least 10 inches high. The higher, the better, although these frogs are surprisingly good climbers. There should be a tightly fitted mesh screen on top to prevent escape if you add small plants to climb on them.


These frogs' short, squat legs aren't ideal for jumping but are great for digging, and your frogs will need a moist substrate they can easily crawl into. Chemical-free clay or coconut fiber is best, but avoid vermiculite, gravel, stone or small wood chips as these can easily be swallowed when feeding and cause potential health problems. Moist paper towels can make a great temporary substrate if you need a temporary wall to move or quarantine your frog.

Temperature and humidity

These hardy frogs can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, although you should cool their tank slightly at night. Anywhere in the 68-78 degree Fahrenheit range is fine, and even occasional fluctuations outside of those margins shouldn't cause them too many problems. Humidity should be kept around 70 percent, and should remain relatively constant with a moist substrate, but occasional misting will help if needed, especially if you're using a mesh screen cover.


You will need to furnish your frog tank with some hiding places. Driftwood, rocks, and plants are all ideal, but live plants can sometimes be difficult because fat frogs can dig them up while digging. You will also need to provide them with a ceramic water dish at all times, one large enough for them to soak in.

Do Asian Painted Frogs Get Along With Other Pets?

Generally, these gentle frogs can be kept together with other frogs of the same species, but they will eat smaller frogs of different species when given the opportunity. They are peaceful with other frogs of the same species and are rarely aggressive, but they do not need to live in groups and are happy to be alone. Of course, you should always keep them away from your pets like cats and dogs.

What to Feed Your Asian Painted Frog

Fat frogs have large appetites and eat a wide variety of commercially available insects, including crickets, mealworms, silkworms, and waxworms. Although crickets should be their main diet, try to vary their diet and add two to three other insects every few days. Adult frogs should be fed two to three times a week, while juveniles can be fed more often. It is a good idea to supplement their food with vitamins and minerals that can be sprinkled on their food, especially for teenagers.

Keeping Your Asian Painted Frog Healthy

Frogs can live 10 years and beyond, with some reaching 20 years, so they are generally hardy, long-lived animals. As with most amphibians, you should handle them sparingly to avoid damaging their skin. Wash your hands thoroughly after and before handling. Even without proper rearing conditions, these highly adaptable animals do well, so if they have the right environment and nutritional requirements and are handled as little as possible, they will suffer from few health problems.


In the wild, fat frogs breed longer and faster, so getting them from the wild makes more sense. With captive breeding, you'll need to mimic the rainy conditions in which they normally breed and lower the temperature to allow injury. This is a time-consuming and complex process, and captive breeding is recommended only for experts in the field. While it won't cost much to set up breeding facilities, it won't make you much money either, so it's worth just having fun.

Are Asian Painted Frogs Right For You?

As one of the most and easiest hardy amphibians to care for, the Asian painted frog is an choice ideal for beginners. They are interesting to look at and don't mind (carefully) handling, and have low housing requirements. Plus, they're cheap to buy and house, so they're low-cost pets and easy to care for.

If you are looking to delve into the fascinating world of birds and reptiles, the Asian Painted Frog is a great entry point.

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