Wednesday 28 September 2022

Mexican Redknee Tarantula

Mexican Redneck Tarantula


  • Quick facts about Mexican Redknee tarantulas
  • Review of the Mexican Redknee Tarantula
  • How Much Do Mexican Redknee Tarantulas Cost?
  • General attitude and temperament.
  • Appearance and types
  • How to Care for Mexican Redknee Tarantulas
  • Habitat, tank conditions and setup.
  • The vivarium
  • Substrate
  • Humidity and heat
  • Lighting
  • Other Accessories
  • Do Mexican Redknee Tarantulas Get Along With Other Pets?
  • What to Feed Your Mexican Redknee Tarantula
  • Keeping your Mexican Redknee Tarantula healthy
  • Breeding
  • Are Mexican Redknee Tarantulas Right For You?

Originating from Mexico and Panama, the Redkenny Tarantula has the traditional tarantula banded appearance. It will grow to a leg of about 5.5 inches and while females can live up to 30 years, males only have a lifespan of 10 years.

They are soft, colorful, and they take up minimal maintenance and space, making them a popular arachnid pet. While they are considered suitable for novice as well as experienced pet owners, they are not the right choice for all potential pet parents. Read on to see the requirements of the Mexican Redknee tarantula.

Quick facts about Mexican Redknee tarantulas

Species Name:Brachypelma smitti.
Level of care:at least
Color Form:Dark body with orange band.
Lifetime:10-30 years.
Size:5 inches
Minimum tank size:10 gallons.
Tank Setup:Substrate, water dish, hide, heat pad.
Compatibility:Should be kept alone.

Review of the Mexican Redknee Tarantula

The Mexican Redknee tarantula is a popular arachnid pet because it is gentle and calm, doesn't tend to move fast, and doesn't take up a lot of maintenance or room. It will bite, but only if threatened, and although it is venomous, its venom is only equivalent to a bee sting and not fatal. However, if they feel threatened, they will remove the hair. These toxic hairs can penetrate the skin and cause irritation and irritation. Although the toxin is not dangerous considered, it can cause owners and discomfort should be aware.

In the wild, it is commonly found along the coast of Mexico. It lives in deserts and mountains, and can also be found in forest trees. It lives alone, burrows to create a shelter, and feeds on insects as well as small animals such as mice, lizards, and frogs. Its venom initially weakens its prey before turning it into an easily digestible liquid. If the spider is lucky enough to find a large meal, it may not need to eat again for several weeks, sometimes up to a month. In captivity, most owners feed their slings three or two times a week.

In the wild and in captivity, the Redkenny Tarantula is a nocturnal spider, meaning it sleeps during the day and becomes active at night.

How Much Do Mexican Redknee Tarantulas Cost?

This tarantula is a popular starter spider and is native to neighboring Mexico. Thus, there are many of them available in the market. You should expect to pay around $150 for a decent example of a Mexican redkney tarantula. You can pay more than that, and since females can live up to 30 years, you can find abandoned examples in shelters or through rescue groups in need of homes.

You'll also need a tank and other equipment, but this species doesn't need light and only needs a small amount of space, so the initial setup can be done for about $150.

General attitude and temperament

The Mexican Redknee Tarantula is prized for its calm and gentle nature. This is one of the calmer tarantulas. It rarely bites. Although it is adorable, this breed of slinger can sometimes be a little short, and you should keep your face away from them as their shaggy hair can be very irritating to the face. They are tolerant of being handled. However, if your front legs lift, they don't want to lift.

Appearance and types

The Mexican Redknee tarantula is mainly dark brown or black with orange bands around its knees. Their abdomen is a uniform dark brown or black color and is covered with hair.

Itching hairs, also known as urticating bristles, are a defense mechanism used by plants and some small animals. They are similar to the hairs found on webs and are barbed. If the Slinger feels threatened, it will fire the hairs at its prey, and they get stuck in the skin or eyes, causing considerable pain. These hairs can be especially painful if you get them in your eyes or breathe in them, so you should keep the spider away from your face and learn to read it if you don't want to handle the marks.

The breed can grow to have a leg length of up to 7 inches, although 5 inches is more common. Although females are larger than males, this is not always the case, and the most reliable way to tell the apart is to examine the palms. These are the appendages near the mouth. Males have large palms with bulbous ends, while females have long and slender palms. This difference is important to know because there is a considerable difference in life expectancy between men and women.

How to Care for Mexican Redknee Tarantulas

Habitat, tank conditions and setup.
The Mexican Redknee tarantula is a popular spider because it requires minimal setup and has a low cost of entry to keep. Along with this, it has certain requirements that must be met.

The vivarium

It is recommended that you provide this species with at least a 10-gallon tank, but a 20-gallon model would be better, where room is available. This will give your spider plenty of room to move around and give them separate hiding, feeding and other places in their living area. The tank doesn't need to be anything special, but it should have a locking lid and no holes or areas that would provide easy escape.


This tarantula is native to semi-arid desert areas and prefers a 50/50 sand and peat substrate. Soil can be used in place of peat and you can add a small amount of bark chips. Tarantulas are burrowing animals so you will need to provide a good amount of substrate, about half the depth of the tank.

Humidity and heat

Aim for a temperature between 75°F and 80°F, making sure the temperature does not fall outside this range. Use a thermostat if possible to maintain day and night temperatures. Humidity should always be above 55°C and ideally between 65°C and 75°C. This is not a difficult level to achieve and can usually be reached using a good water bowl and the occasional mistake.


Although your tarantula doesn't need extra light, the species is unusual in that it will not only tolerate it but may actually enjoy basking. If you provide a basking light, make sure that your spider's hide remains dark and that the light does not change the humidity of the heating surface beyond an acceptable level.

Other Accessories

You'll need to provide a water bowl, offer to hide on the ground, and perhaps offer some plastic plants to brighten up the space, though this is only for your benefit.

Do Mexican Redknee Tarantulas Get Along With Other Pets?

The Mexican Redknee Tarantula will not get along with other pets. If it feels threatened, it will use its barbed hairs which can be very painful to other animals. Also, while a tarantula bite is similar to a bee sting, it can be more damaging to smaller animals. Tarantulas will not do well when housed with other spiders, and you should only keep one in each terrarium to ensure happy and healthy spiders.

What to Feed Your Mexican Redknee Tarantula

In the wild, the spider eats insects such as crickets, but it will also eat small animals, including mice, frogs, and some small lizards. In captivity, a tarantula will eat an insectivorous diet consisting primarily of crickets but also additional insects such as roaches.

Mealworms and waxworms can also supplement their diet. The prey items should be about half the length of the spider's body and you will need to feed them four or five items a week. Anything not used within 24 hours should be thrown away.

Keeping your Mexican Redknee Tarantula healthy

Tarantulas melt. They grow a new skin under their exoskeleton and when it is almost fully grown they will need to shed their old skin so that the new skin can emerge. Your spider may lie on its back during the molting process, and you should not disturb it.

Tarantulas are hardy creatures and will rarely get sick. However, if they fall from a very high level, they may suffer physical injuries. They may also suffer from dehydration, which is manifested by a distended stomach and erratic behavior.


Breeding is only possible when two tarantulas are kept in the same enclosure, and only when they are both ready. The male will create a sperm web, which is a net that is open at both ends. He crawls under the web, upside down and collects a drop of the seaplane.

When your man does this, you can put him in the woman's wall. He would tap the woman's foot to hide her so he could pull her out. When she emerges, the male will jump. When it separates, you should immediately remove it from the wall. The male will die within a few weeks, while the female will develop an egg sac that can contain hundreds of eggs.

Are Mexican Redknee Tarantulas Right For You?

The Mexican Redknee tarantula is considered a good first spider and is a suitable spider for novice owners because it requires little space and minimal care and while it is venomous, the bite is only the equivalent of a bee sting. happens.

Be prepared for the fact that a female tarantula can live up to three decades, and make sure you maintain the right temperature and humidity levels to ensure your spider is comfortable and healthy life .

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