Tuesday 4 October 2022

A leather bearded dragon.



  • Quick facts about leather-bearded dragons
  • Does a leather-bearded dragon make a good pet?
  • appearance
  • How to Care for a Leather Bearded Dragon
  • Habitat, tank conditions and setup.
  • Tank
  • Lighting
  • Heat (temperature and humidity)
  • Substrate
  • Feeding your leather bearded dragon.
  • Keeping Your Leather Bearded Dragon Healthy
  • General health problems.
  • Lifetime
  • Breeding
  • Is the leather bearded dragon friendly? Our handling advice.
  • Shedding and bruising: What to expect
  • How much does a leather bearded dragon cost?
  • Summary of Care Guide.
  • Result
A leather bearded dragon.

Leather bearded dragons are beards with a unique shape. While most beards have spikes on the back, leatherbacks are smooth because of this shape.

Like other bearded dragons, leatherbacked dragons make great pets. They are low maintenance and not aggressive towards humans. Read on to learn the facts, information and care requirements of these beards.

Quick facts about leather-bearded dragons

Species Name:Pogona
Common name:A leather bearded dragon.
Level of care:Start
Lifetime:7-12 years.
Adult Size:15-20 inches.
Food:Insects and leafy vegetables.
Minimum tank size:4 x 2 x 2 feet.
Temperature and humidityCool side of wall: 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Basking Area: 95-104 degrees Fahrenheit
Humidity: 30--40

Does a leather-bearded dragon make a good pet?

Leather-bearded dragons make good pets because they are majestic, gentle and easy to handle. When compared to other reptiles, leaderback bearded dragons are friendly to humans and not aggressive.


Leather-bearded dragons look different from other bearded types because they have a unique shape where their backs are smooth, but they still have spikes on their heads and sides.

Due to the lack of spikes, it is common for leaderback bearded dragons to appear more distinct in their coloration, although the colors themselves are no longer distinct. Colors are more visible because there are no spikes in the way.

Leather-bearded dragons can come in many colors, including red, orange, citrus, and more.

How to Care for a Leather Bearded Dragon

Caring for any bearded dragon requires extensive knowledge of light and temperature, and the same is true of the leaderback bearded dragon. Here are the most important things to know when caring for one of these delicate creatures.

Habitat, tank conditions and setup.

Caring for a leather-bearded dragon is relatively easy, assuming you set up its habitat properly.


To start, you want to choose a tank that comes with glass walls and a screen top. At a minimum, the wall should be 4 x 2 x 2 feet. However, the bigger the better. Inside the tank, you want to mimic the bearded dragon's natural environment. Place rocks, branches, hiding places, and shade inside walls.

You also want to keep this wall clean. At the very least, be sure to remove any unpleasant foods. We recommend daily spot cleaning and monthly deep cleaning.


Because bearded dragons are cold-blooded, they need ample light. These lizards are diurnal, meaning they need 12 hours of darkness along with daylight.

Choose an ultraviolet light to avoid common diseases in bearded dragons such as metabolic bone disease. Replace the UV bulb every 6 to 12 months. Additionally, provide a 40 to 75 watt bulb infrared. This tablet will be used for basking. Place this basking bulb on one side of the wall to form the basking side.

Heat (temperature and humidity)

As a heating system, you need to provide a temperature gradient within the wall. The basing side of the wall should be between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The tank should remain at 80 degrees during the day. Reduce the temperature at night.

You need to place thermometers on both sides of the wall to make sure both the cooling and basking temperatures are the right temperature. If you notice that your bearded dragon is opening its mouth, almost as if it's smiling, the tank is too hot.

Humidity is an important aspect of the heating system. Keep the humidity between 40 and 30  percent. Maintain this humidity every 42 hours by misting the entire wall and placing a small bowl of water inside the wall. If you need to increase the humidity, you can place a heating pad under the bowl of water.


The last resting factor to remember is the substrate. We recommend using newspapers or paper towels because they are safe, soft, and won't hurt a bearded dragon's stomach if it should be swallowed.

Tank recommendations

Type of tank.Glass vivarium.
LightingUVB, infrared.
heatingLights, heating pad if necessary.
Excellent substrate.Newspaper or paper towel.

Feeding your leather bearded dragon.

Whenever it's time to feed your leaderback bearded dragon, you want to optimize his natural diet as much as possible. In the wild, these animals naturally eat leafy greens, insects and some small lizards. In captivity, it is best to eat a diet made up mainly of leafy greens and some insects.

Hatchlings, which are leather-bearded dragons under two months of age, need to eat two to three times a day. Meanwhile, juvenile and adult bearded dragons should be fed daily.

Be sure to also provide calcium and vitamin D3 supplements. These supplements help prevent common diseases found in leaderback bearded dragons, such as metabolic bone disease.

Diet summary.

Vegetables.70% food.
Leafy greens, squash, carrots.
Insects30 percent of the diet.
Crickets, mealworms.
Supplements are required.Calcium, Vitamin D3.
Keeping Your Leather Bearded Dragon Healthy
The most important part of keeping your leaderback bearded dragon healthy is providing the right environment and food.

Ensuring proper light, temperature, and humidity can go a long way toward promoting the health of your leather-bearded dragon. Similarly, providing vitamin supplements along with a balanced diet of vegetables and nuts ensures further health and wellness.

General health problems.

The reason bearded dragons need such extensive light, temperature and humidity requirements is because they are prone to metabolic bone disease. This disease is often caused by calcium deficiency or lack of UV lighting.


Leather-bearded dragons are considered to be fairly healthy reptiles. In captivity, they can live between 12 and 7 years.

Most commonly, premature death is due to a problem in their diet or diet. Making sure you follow the instructions in this guide carefully can help ensure your bearded dragon lives as long as possible.


When it comes to breeding, the male will try to court the female by darkening her throat and circling around the female. If the female accepts, she will flatten her body. At this point, the male will start mating with the female and will cut her neck.

This breeding and breeding phase occurs in the spring and early summer. In the wild, this often occurs after injury, which is why many breeders force their reptiles to be crushed before they breed.

After mating, the nest box must be provided as these animals bury their eggs. Make a nest box with 10 inches of sand or soil. The female will lay three different clutches of about 35 eggs per clutch.

Once the female lays the eggs, remove the nest box and place it inside an incubator. The eggs will hatch in four to three weeks. Separate the bearded dragons as they emerge.

Is the leather bearded dragon friendly? Our handling advice.

Leather-bearded dragons are considered friendlier and calmer around humans than other reptiles. That being said, these animals are aggressive each other towards. This is why you want to keep bearded dragons alone.

Still, bearded dragons are much friendlier and more amenable to human handling than other reptiles. Always be sure to wash your hands before and after handling animals. Leather-bearded dragons may bark a little when you first try to handle them, but they get used to it and are not aggressive.

As you are holding these animals, be sure to keep them flat. Don't hug them. This is the more natural position in which their body should be placed. We recommend leaving the beardie alone for the first week you bring it home so it can adjust to its new habitat.

Shedding and bruising: What to expect

Although not guaranteed, some bearded dragons go through a period of injury. During this time, the bearded dragon will eat less and sleep for anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months. Many breeders force their beards to hurt before.

It is important to note that many bearded dragons never go through a wound period in captivity. For this reason, don't be surprised if a bearded dragon never goes through this stage, but don't be alarmed if it does.

How much does a leather bearded dragon cost?

Leatherback bearded dragons can cost anywhere from $500 to $100. This puts them in the middle of the pack in terms of bearded dragon morph price. The exact price will depend on where you live, the color of the beard and the breeder you choose.

Summary of Care Guide.

Leather Bearded Dragon Profession.
  • soft
  • Friendlier and more convenient to handle.
  • Relatively healthy.
  • Disadvantages of the leather-bearded dragon.
  • Must be kept individually.
  • Additional heat and light requirements.


Leatherback bearded dragons are a very fun, attractive and unique bearded dragon morph. Like other bearded dragons, these animals are easy to care for, but they are more active than many other morphs. As long as you provide the proper environment and food, your leather-bearded dragon should live a healthy life.

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#A leather bearded dragon

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