Tuesday 4 October 2022

Strawberry Pacman Frog



  • Quick Facts About the Strawberry Pacman Frog
  • Do Strawberry Pacman Frogs Make Good Pets?
  • appearance
  • How to Care for Strawberry Pacman Frogs
  • Habitat, tank conditions and setup.
  • Tank
  • Lighting
  • Heat (temperature and humidity)
  • Substrate
  • Feeding your strawberry pacman frog.
  • Keeping Your Strawberry Pacman Frog Healthy
  • Lifetime
  • Are Strawberry Pacman Frog Friendly? Our handling advice.
  • Wounds: What to Expect
  • How much does a strawberry pacman frog cost?
  • Summary of Care Guide.
  • Result
Strawberry Pacman Frog

The Strawberry Pacman Frog is a one-legged horned frog native to South America. These amphibians are quite common in the pet world. They are poor swimmers and strictly terrestrial, although they spend most of their time in moist environments. His animated character earned him the name Pacman the frog, although he is not as active as Pacman in the game. Strawberry Pacman frogs are interesting pets that usually spend most of their time relaxing in their enclosures.

Quick Facts About the Strawberry Pacman Frog

Species Name:Ceratophyrs ornata
Common name:South American Horned Frogs.
Level of care:Moderate
Lifetime:10 to 15 years.
Adult Size:4 to 5 inches.
Minimum tank size:10 gallon terrarium.
Temperature and humidity75°F to 85°F and 50° to 80°F

Do Strawberry Pacman Frogs Make Good Pets?

Strawberry Pacman frogs are gentle and not very active, so if you're expecting something that jumps and climbs a lot, they won't make a good pet for you or your family. Their appetites are huge, and it takes some work to satisfy their demands. They are not the easiest pets, but they are not difficult either.


Strawberry Pacman frogs have animated features due to their two large eyes that stick out from their round bodies like horns. These distinctive amphibians can reach up to 5 inches long, and males are usually smaller than females. Their bright orange, yellow and cream colored skin is oval and kidney shaped, making them an interesting pet to watch against their green and brown colors.

How to Care for Strawberry Pacman Frogs

Habitat, tank conditions and setup.


Pacman frogs do not need much space as they usually sit and wait for their prey. They spend most of their time buried in the substrate with their eyes closed as they wait for food to pass by. The minimum terrarium size is 10 gallons, but you can go bigger if you want.


Maintain a 12-hour light schedule and a 12-hour light schedule for your terrarium. Fluorescent light fixtures are good, but sometimes regular room lighting is enough to keep your frogs on a regular schedule.

Heat (temperature and humidity)

Strawberry Pacman frogs do their best when temperatures are kept in the mid-70s. Use a thermometer to control their temperature and keep the wall between 75°F and 85°F. Temperatures in the 80s can be lethal.

Humidity is equally important. The humidity level in these frogs should be at least 60 to 70 percent. Use a half screen top to keep it ventilated and skin infections prevent.


Pacman frogs burrow down into their substrate, so something loose is ideal. Coconut ground substrate is great for them to dig into, paper work or but moss well too.

Tank recommendations

Type of tank.10 gallon plastic or glass terrarium with screen top.
Lighting12 hours on/12 hours on schedule.
heatingheating pad
Excellent substrate.Ground coconut, moss, paper.

Feeding your strawberry pacman frog.

Strawberry Pacman frogs are easy to feed and are not fussy about their food. When they are hungry, they will eat anything in front of them. Gut-fed crickets are the most common source of nutrition, but they also eat waxworms and mealworms. Large frogs may eat pink mice and small frogs on occasion. Feed smaller frogs insects daily and feed larger frogs with larger meals every few days.

Diet summary.

fruit.0% of the dose.
Insects75% food.
Meat.25% of the diet - newborn mice, guppies, small frogs.
Supplements are required.Gut load crickets before feeding.
Keeping Your Strawberry Pacman Frog Healthy
Keeping Strawberry Pacman frogs healthy is not complicated as long as you maintain their habitat, disinfect it monthly and control light, heat and humidity. Bacterial and fungal problems are the number one health concern with amphibians. These are usually identified by redness or swelling on their skin. Ventilation is very important to control these problems.

If your tank temperature is too high, parasites can take over and make your frog sick. If it is too humid, they can get respiratory infections. Regulating the levels in their environment is key to their health.


Strawberry Pacman frogs live only five years in the wild, but captive frogs can live up to 15 years in a safe and clean home. Do not keep them with other frogs or they will eat each other.

Are Strawberry Pacman Frog Friendly? Our handling advice.

These frogs are gentle but do not handle them unless absolutely necessary. Handling these frogs can damage their sensitive skin. On top of that, they love to eat, and dangling your fingers in front of them is asking a little of you.

Wounds: What to Expect

These frogs suffer when there is little food or too little moisture in their wall. During this time, their skin hardens and they bury themselves underground and do not move for long periods of time. Don't think they're dead because they probably aren't. To fix this, keep the tank moist and wait for them to shed this tough skin.

How much does a strawberry pacman frog cost?

Amphibians are not expensive pets and finding one from a reputable breeder is fairly easy. Strawberry Pacman Frogs range in price from $50 to $100.

Summary of Care Guide.

Strawberry Pacman Frog Pros.
  • Unique coloring.
  • Small tank.
  • Simple food.
Strawberry Pacman Frog Cons
  • Must be alone.
  • Cutting.
  • Not very active.


The Strawberry Pacman Frog is a good pet for those who want to admire these amphibians from afar and don't intend to handle or do much with them. However, they are not too difficult to care for and can become family pets as long as children understand their basic life needs. Giving them a healthy lifestyle is very important for their longevity and they deserve someone who can provide them with this facility.

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#Strawberry Pacman Frog

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