Saturday 1 October 2022

Boxpi (Boxer Shirpi Mix)



  • Boxpie Puppies - Before You Buy…
  • What is the price of Boxpie Puppies?
  • 3 Lesser Known Facts About Boxpeis
  • 1. Boxpeis are a modern designer breed
  • 2. Although it is a designer dog, Boxpeis can be good working dogs
  • 3. You can have boxpay in an apartment
  • Boxpie's temperament and intelligence
  • Are these dogs good for families?
  • Does this breed get along with other pets?
  • Things to know when owning Box Pay:
  • Diet and Dietary Requirements
  • exercise
  • training
  • Grooming
  • Health and conditions
  • Male versus female
  • Final thoughts
Boxpi (Boxer Shirpi Mix)

Height:18-24 inches.
weight:45-65 pounds.
Lifetime:8-12 years.
the color:Black, Gold, Light Brown, Merle.
Suitable for:Families with children and pets who want a loving breed.
Mood:Loyal, loving, great with other pets and children.
Boxpeis are fast becoming a popular breed around the world, even though the breed is relatively new. Being a cross between a purebred Boxer and a Chinese Shar Pei, this breed has only been around since the early 2000s when it was developed in the United States.
This breed is ideal for families who already have other pets or children and are looking for a large, loving dog. Although this breed is large and strong, it is really loving, loyal and gets along with any family member.
If you are considering reading Boxpay, read this article first. This complete guide tells you everything you need to know about Boxpie ownership so you can decide if this adorable breed is right for your home. Let's begin.

Boxpie Puppies - Before You Buy…

What is the price of Boxpie Puppies?

Given that you're reading this article about Boxspace, you obviously know about this unique designer breed, which puts you in the minority. While single sharpies and boxers are really popular dogs, this mix is ​​not. Due to the rarity of this breed, it can be a bit difficult to find a Boxpie puppy.

There's no chance you'll be able to find this attractive breed at a local shelter, especially if it's a dog. Occasionally, you may find an adult Boxpie at a local shelter, but that's not a given either.

Once you find a puppy, the price shouldn't be too expensive compared to other breeds because there isn't much competition and there aren't many risks to the mother. Expect to pay between $350 and $700 for a Boxpie Puppy.
In addition to paying for the dog, you'll also have to pay for other dog costs, such as getting the dog vaccinated, licensed, and comfortable in its new home. The first year of ownership usually costs $1000 if not more.

3 Lesser Known Facts About Boxpeis

1. Boxpeis are a modern designer breed

Many of our favorite breeds today are considered relatively modern because they originated in the 1800s. Although the 19th century may not seem modern, the 19th century is much closer to today than the origins of dogs.

Still, Boxpeis are modern by everyone's standards. The breed originated in the United States in 2000. This makes the box piece one of the latest generations. Modern breeding is part of the reason why they are not as popular as other breeds that have been around for a long time.

2. Although it is a designer dog, Boxpeis can be good working dogs

When most people think of working dogs, they think of hardy dogs that aren't always cute or very affectionate. Conversely, few people associate designer dogs with working breeds. The Boxpeis brings the best of both worlds as it is a designer breed that can also be a good working dog.

The reason Boxpecis can be good working dogs is that both of their parents are working dogs. The Sharpace and Boxer alike were bred for working purposes. Since both parents carry the gene, Boxers can also be working dogs.

3. You can have boxpay in an apartment

Most medium and large dogs require a full house and yard to play in, making them less suitable for apartment living. Despite the large size of the Boxpei, you can easily place the Boxpei in your apartment home. Although this breed is quite large, they don't need a lot of exercise or space to be happy.

Of course, you should take your Boxpie out for a walk once a day. By doing this, your Boxpie will be happier inside your apartment. If you don't at least take a walk, the box pies can get angry inside, causing destructive and annoying behavior.

Boxpie's temperament and intelligence.

Boxspace seems to have it all in terms of flair and intelligence. They are incredibly loyal, and loving even to other children and animals. At the time same they are moderately intelligent and want to please. Together, these factors make the box piece one of the most loved and easiest to train dogs.

Are these dogs good for families?

The Boxpeis is an excellent dog for families. They are patient, gentle with children and tough game with older family members. Often, Boxpeis only change position or whenever they get angry, which means they don't act aggressively. These facts make Boxpeis a great addition to any family, whether that family includes adults, children or teenagers.

With that being said, socialization is important really for any dog. If you socialize the Boxpie quickly, it will be more likely to get along with everyone in the family.

Additionally, playtime between dogs and small children should always be supervised. Although the Boxpeis is a very gentle breed, this does not mean that an individual dog will not be aggressive towards a child who is teasing him. At the same time, make sure you teach your child to play with dogs respectfully and appropriately.

Does this breed get along with other pets?

In addition to being a great family dog, Boxpies also get along really well with other animals. When it comes to other dogs, they are much friendlier than other breeds of their size. For best results, get puppies at the same time so both puppies grow up together.

For cats and other small animals, Boxpie is likely to get along with them. Many Boxpay owners claim that their cats love to snuggle and snooze with their dog. Again, socialization with cats and other animals is an important step in making sure your Boxpie gets along with them.

Things to know when owning Box Pay:

Although Boxpeis are a large breed, they don't require as much maintenance as others. This is true in terms of exercise, training and grooming, although they do eat a lot. These facts make it the perfect dog for those who want a low-maintenance breed or who have never trained a large dog before.

Diet and Dietary Requirements

Despite their soft and cuddly nature, box pies are really big. Because of their size large, need you to fuel them with the right type and amount of food. It is important to prepare high quality dog ​​food for large dogs. It's also a good idea to choose a brand that has age-specific lines so you can tailor your food to your dog's size and life stage.

Make sure to always provide your Boxpie with plenty of water. Because this breed is not very active, it may not drink as much as other larger breeds, but fresh water is always available.


Boxers certainly need more exercise than smaller breeds, but they need significantly less exercise than other dogs of their size. Walking your Boxpie once a day will be enough to keep him happy and healthy.

At the same time, if you are an active person, your Boxpie will be more than happy to be active with you. With working roots, these dogs can keep up, although they are a bit slow by choice. This makes them the perfect breed for both active and moderate families alike.


One of the biggest benefits of owning a Boxpie is that training is relatively easy. These dogs are very eager to please their owners and have moderate intelligence which results in an easy training experience.

On the other hand, negative reinforcement doesn't work very well with Boxpeis. Because they want to please their bosses so much, negative reinforcement often causes them to quit. Remember to be patient with your Boxpie and use as little negative reinforcement as possible.


Boxers require a little more grooming than other small coated dogs, but grooming is still very easy. Brush their coat twice or once a week to keep it healthy and minimize shedding around your home. Only bathe your Boxpie when they need it and use a dog-approved shampoo.

One thing you have to be careful about when it comes to boxes is their dental support. This breed is known to have poor dental hygiene. Brush your teeth once or twice a week using a toothpaste designed for ears. Also, clean their ears as needed, and trim their nails every other month.

Health and conditions

Because Boxpeis have two healthy parents, the breed is considered a healthy designer dog. However, unhealthy parents will often result in an unhealthy puppy. Talking to your doctor about getting screened can help you avoid serious illnesses at an early age.

Because the health of the parents is so important for designer dogs, as well as for any other breed, it is important to only purchase puppies from reputable breeders. Reputable breeders make sure they use parent dogs that are healthy and never abused.

Still, there are some diseases that are most common in box pies. Conditions these can range from mild to severe.

  • Minor circumstances.
  • Eye infections.
  • Ear infection.
  • Dental problems.
  • Epilepsy
  • Serious situations.
  • Joint dysplasia.
  • Degenerative myelopathy.
  • Aortic stenosis.
  • Cancer
  • Patellar luxury.
  • In most cases, taking care of your dog through regular grooming can help reduce the chance of minor conditions.

Male versus female

As you would expect, male boxpeckers are larger and stronger than females, but females are more territorial. If you get your dog spayed or neutered, the difference in will be minimal. Due to this fact, there are very few differences when it comes to Boxpie puppies.

Final thoughts

Although Boxpeis are a new breed, they have roots in old working dogs, making them a healthy, loyal and fun breed. Although their popularity is growing, this designer dog is not very well known, which means you may have to do a bit of searching to find a reputable breeder.
For most families, a Boxpie will fit just fine. If you have children and other pets, this breed may be the choice for you. Just remember to feed this dog enough food and take care of it to prevent minor conditions from popping up.

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#Boxpi (Boxer Shirpi Mix)   #animalscity 

#dogs   #pet animals

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