Sunday 2 October 2022

The Bedlington Terrier



  • Bedlington Terrier Puppies - Before Buying…
  • What Do Bedlington Terrier Puppies Cost?
  • 3 Little-Known Facts About Bedlington Terriers
  • 1. He was a working dog who did a lot of dirty work
  • 2. He has two sides to his personality
  • 3. They are hypoallergenic
  • Temperament and Intelligence of the Bedlington Terrier
  • Are these dogs good for families?
  • Does this terrier get along with other pets?
  • What to about know owning a Bedlington Terrier:
  • Diet and Dietary Requirements
  • exercise
  • training
  • Grooming
  • Health and conditions
  • Final thoughts
The Bedlington Terrier

Height:15-18 inches.
Weight:17-23 pounds.
Lifetime:11-16 years.
the color:White, blue, blue and tan, liver, liver and tan, sand.
Suitable for:Active families or individuals who want a low maintenance pet.
Mood:Loyal, active, friendly, strong.
You might have to do a double take after seeing the Bedlington Terrier. With their curly coat, bowed head and graceful gait, this breed looks remarkably like a lamb. This agile dog is gentle when hanging indoors, and their energy comes out when they roam free in the yard. Bedlington Terriers are the perfect pet for families who enjoy being active and spending time outdoors. Although some can be a bit stubborn, they are sensitive dogs and love to please their loved ones. If you are looking for a pet that has a unique personality and is fiercely loyal, you may have found this breed for you.

Bedlington Terrier Puppies - Before Buying…

Despite their lack of popularity, the Bedlington Terrier breed ranks somewhat higher than others. They have a lot of energy and are not for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, these terriers are highly intelligent, and training them is a breeze even for first-time dog owners.

Like most other dogs, this breed is susceptible to certain health problems. Some are hardier than others, but overall, they live very long and healthy lives. On average, Bedlington Terriers live for 11 to 16 years and thrive alongside a family and children.

You will rarely have to worry about this breed causing problems with children or other pets. As long as they are properly socialized, they do great with children, and having other pets in the home shouldn't be a problem.

What Do Bedlington Terrier Puppies Cost?

Despite their fun-loving personalities, what turns most people away from owning one of these dogs is the high cost. The average price of Bedlington Terriers is $1,500 per dog, with some breeders charging up to $4,000. They are good-natured, intelligent and healthy animals which is reflected in the price. If you are dedicated to buying this breed, don't shop around. More often than not, the low price means they weren't raised safely, and they can end up with expensive health problems later in life.

3 Little-Known Facts About Bedlington Terriers

1. He was a working dog who did a lot of dirty work

Bedlington terriers look and act as gentle as small lambs. With such noble personalities, how could they be responsible for such a dangerous task? In the 1800s, this species was used to catch and kill vermin in coal mines. Their small size and quick speed make them the perfect working dog. They were even used in dog fights to entertain workers.

2. He has two sides to his personality

Most of the Bedlington area is known for its loving and loyal personalities. However, if they trust you. Because of their devotion to their family members, they are protective, and it takes some time to gain their trust. They warn their owner that they are nervous around anyone by constantly barking until they know their family is safe. They do not even fear for their safety if threatened.

3. They are hypoallergenic

Although they resemble small lambs, their hair should be the least of your concerns. These dogs are practically shed proof. This is ideal for people who hate to vacuum up dog hair. With that in mind, they still need to be trimmed and their coat is not completely maintenance-free.

Temperament and Intelligence of the Bedlington Terrier.

Just because they catch your attention with their one-of-a-kind appearance doesn't mean these animals are a good fit for your lifestyle. Bedlington Terriers are lively and love to have lots of energy throughout the day. They are mostly friendly to strangers and children, but this can vary from person to person. Although intelligent, they are also strong and do not back down from a challenge easily. You may find that your dog has two sides. Sometimes they are calm and loving, and the next they bounce off their walls and demand attention.

Are these dogs good for families?

Bedlington Terriers are one of the funniest breeds if you have a family that is active. Playtime is their favorite, and their small size means they won't be constantly knocked over by young children. They become so devoted to their loved ones that they are often used as guard dogs and warn the family of any intruders that they are not to be trusted.

Does this terrier get along with other pets?

As with all dogs, socialization is important to help these dogs get along with other pets. Also, they are more accepting of other breeds and usually do very well when they are introduced to a new beloved family member. Of course, if it's really important to you, make sure to work on it from an early age and don't force them into situations where they're uncomfortable.

What to know about owning a Bedlington Terrier:

Different dog breeds all have their own responsibilities and challenges. Although the Bedlington Terrier is a great breed, you need to make sure that they get the most out of life while they are with you. If you don't meet these demands, they can act and frustrate you. Always do thorough research on a dog's personality and care before bringing it home.

Diet and Dietary Requirements

Always feed your dogs a high-quality dog ​​food recommended by your veterinarian. They are small but active dogs, and they usually do best when they get two to 1 to 1.5 cups of dry food a day. These measurements may also change based on your dog's size, age, and activity level. More active terriers can benefit from an extra half cup of food, while more sedentary dogs should stick to the minimum.


Bedlington Terriers are active animals and enjoy being fit. Daily exercise keeps your pet healthy and helps you avoid problems in the future. If they are not able to get the energy, they can act and cause you some frustration. As long as they go for long walks or runs or hard play sessions, they have no problem rolling over and relaxing at the end of the day.


The Bedlington Terrier is an intelligent breed, and most people have very few problems when training them. However, they are also known to be a bit stubborn and you may need some patience to learn the behaviors you expect from them. As always, be dedicated and know that their eagerness to please gets the better of their stubbornness.


Their curly, wispy coats are soft and don't shed, which is why homeowners love them so much, but that doesn't mean you can forget about their grooming needs. Brush Bedlington Terriers once or twice a week and take them in for a trim once a month. Trim their nails regularly to prevent them from walking and bathe them once every few months.

Health and conditions

Bedlington terriers are relatively healthy dogs, and have only a few serious health conditions that owners should be aware of. Copper toxicosis is most common in this breed and occurs when the liver fails to remove copper from their diet. Copper builds up and causes disease and death. This is an inherited trait, which is why it is so important to buy from a trusted breeder.

Minor circumstances.
  • Patellar luxury.
  • Dystachiasis
  • Retinal dysplasia.
Serious situations.
  • Copper toxicity.
  • Renal cortical hypoplasia.

Final thoughts

If you're looking for a dog with eye-catching eyes and a personality that attracts those around them, the Bedlington Terrier could be the perfect addition to your family. These dogs are gentle lovers, and their small size and quirky personalities fit many different people's lifestyles. Despite their stubborn attitudes, they are dedicated to pleasing their masters and are intelligent enough to take dozens of orders. By the time they get their energy out, they're a privilege unto themselves and you'll fall in love with them faster than they can run.

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#The Bedlington Terrier   #animalscity

#dog   #pet animals   #small dog

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