Tuesday 4 October 2022

Escapo (American Eskimo and Poodle Mix)



  • Escapoo Puppies - Before You Buy
  • What is the price of Escapo Puppies?
  • 3 Little-Known Facts About Escapoo Puppies
  • 1. They are wonderful.
  • 2. Eskapoos are not meant to be laid around.
  • 3. They can be a bit rare.
  • Temperament and intelligence of Scapo.
  • Are these dogs good for families?
  • Does this breed get along with other pets?
  • Things to know when owning an Escapo:
  • Diet and Dietary Requirements.
  • exercise
  • training
  • Grooming
  • Health and conditions.
  • Male versus female.
  • Final thoughts.
Escapo (American Eskimo and Poodle Mix)

Height:15-18 inches.
Weight:15-20 lbs.
Lifetime:10-13 years
the color:Tans, Browns, Blake, Merle.
Suitable for:Applicable to all types of active family apartments
Mood:Intelligent, playful, loving.
Escapo is a mixed breed with poodle and American Eskimo parents. They are not the most popular poodle mix. However, their popularity is increasing as mixed breeds are becoming more common. Many dog ​​lovers are beginning to realize that the dog world extends beyond purebreds, leading to an increase in the popularity of hybrids—including the Escapo.

Escapo has inherited the trait from both of his parents. This means that you don't know what to expect when you adopt a member of this breed. You can have a dog that closely resembles a poodle or nothing at all. They are usually sized-medium dogs, but their weight can vary widely. Most are Toy Poodle offspring, but other types of poodles can be used.

These dogs are quite intelligent, which often makes them easy to train. They are active and require little mental stimulation, although they require more time than their owners. Since both their parents are working dogs, work when they work. Many of them love the water, embracing their poodle ancestry.

Escapoo Puppies - Before You Buy

What is the price of Escapo Puppies?

These dogs vary widely in price. Very few breeders specialize in this breed. The vast majority of breeders produce purebred dogs or one of the more popular mixed breeds. Therefore, you usually won't pay breeder quality for these dogs. However, this also means that they are quite difficult to find.

Most of the time, these dogs will be the most common in shelters and rescues. Of course, the odds of a specific mixed breed showing up at an animal shelter near you are slim. You may have to broaden your search and travel a bit to get the dog you want. Most shelters charge only $100 to $300 per dog.

You may find a breeder or two that produces these dogs. Again, you'll likely need to narrow your search to states around you and travel a bit. Many breeders charge around $600 to $1,000 for this type of dog, making them slightly more expensive than an animal shelter.

3 Little-Known Facts About Escapoo Puppies

1. They are wonderful.

The poodle is one of the smartest breeds around today. Although they often have the reputation of being a "preppy" dog, they are hardworking and made for specific jobs. This mixed breed will likely take after their parents, so it's important to make sure you can encourage them mentally.

2. Eskapoos are not meant to be laid around.

Although these dogs may look like lapdogs, they are not. Both generations of his parents were built for work. When they are given something to do, they are active and thrive. They're great for active families, but you'll need to use them regularly.

3. They can be a bit rare.

These dogs are not one of the most popular breeds out there, so they can be a little difficult to find. You will find yourself waiting a bit and possibly looking outside your immediate area for a suitable dog.

Temperament and intelligence of Scapo.

Escapo is an intelligent dog that is relatively easy to train. They were bred to listen to their people, and usually do. They are people pleasers and usually don't cross stubborn lines like other dogs. However, this means that you Tell them what to do. They need to exercise their brain and flex their intelligence. They are not dogs you can leave alone for long periods of time.

Great ways to entertain them include obedience training, puzzle toys, and dog games. Even if you're not planning on participating in dog sports, these dogs love to train for them. Setting up a small agility course in your backyard is a great way to keep them engaged and entertained.

On top of mental stimulation, these dogs also need quite a bit of physical exercise. They work best for active families who have plenty of time to exercise these dogs properly. Otherwise, they can be quite destructive, especially if they are not mentally or physically active. Barking and chewing is a common problem if they are not taken care of properly.

These dogs often keep their youth in adulthood. They often enjoy playtime cuddling on the couch. They work best for families who want more than just cuddling on the couch instead. If you are looking for a lap dog, this is not the dog for you.

In general, the Escapoo is quite calm and not overly active - unlike some toy breeds. However, this does not mean that their exercise needs are not high. They are well behaved inside and adapt to apartment living as long as their other needs are met. They are perfectly content to lie down in a quiet corner after a long walk, even when you have guests over.

They are not as completely people-oriented as some breeds, but they do enjoy spending time with their family. They love everyone, including strangers. However, they don't have to always be the center of attention and can be easily trained to stay out of the way during house parties and similar occasions.

Without proper training, they can be quite noisy. Some people keep them as watchdogs, although they are not aggressive or territorial enough to be guard dogs. They will bark at people as they walk by and then love them when they walk in the door.

Generally these dogs do not do well when left alone for long periods of time. They are not best for people who work most of the day or like to go out without their dog. Active families with lots of people coming and going are often best, as this minimizes the amount of time the dog spends alone. We highly recommend a dog walker or similar service if you are visiting for most of the day.

Are these dogs good for families?

Yes, they can be. Their small size causes some difficulties with very young children. Dogs on the smaller end of the spectrum can easily become frightened and injured if not properly supervised. This can lead to fear-based barking. A bad situation can cause the dog to not trust small people for the future.

With proper socialization, these dogs can get along with small children as long as they are supervised.

They are great dogs for families with older children, especially if they are active and spend time running around the backyard. They will happily follow and play with children, even into their adult years. They are a great choice for toddlers because of their small, manageable size.

However, active families are the best. They are not lap dogs and spend most of their time playing or training. If your family wants a dog, this is probably not the breed for you.

Does this breed get along with other pets?

Yes. They are good with all types of dogs as long as they are socialized at an early age. Like all dogs, they need to be introduced to other dogs starting at a young age to make sure they know how to properly interact with other animals. Otherwise, they will often be afraid of other dogs, which can lead to aggression.

However, when introduced to a wide variety of different breeds, they often do well with both small and large dogs. Many of them are pack oriented and do best when they are with other dogs. That doesn't mean you. Provide your dog with a playmate, but many people enjoy being with another dog when they are left alone.

They often have a strong prey drive, which makes them unsuitable for homes with cats and similar pets. They will chase these animals, especially since they need more activity. It's not something you can socialize out of them, so don't assume your dog will ever be calmer with a cat in the room. It's their instinct to chase, and in practice there's not much you can do about it.

Of course, they will also chase other small pets, such as rabbits.

Things to know when owning an Escapo:

Diet and Dietary Requirements.

These dogs do not have any special nutritional requirements to thrive. They can often stay healthy on high-quality, commercially available dog food. Look for foods high in meat. Each food's ingredient list starts with the highest ingredient by weight and goes down from there. Check each ingredient list to make sure the first few ingredients are meat. Of course, also keep in mind the ingredients' water content, which can artificially push them higher on the ingredients list. For example, a whole chicken contains a lot of water, which is removed when making dry dog ​​food. A meal cannot contain too much chicken after considering the water content.

You don't necessarily need to feed your Escapoo grain-free unless they have a grain allergy. This breed is not prone to allergies, and grain-free foods are not necessarily best for your dog. The FDA has linked some heart problems to grain-free foods. Although research is still ongoing, this is a sign that grain-free foods may not be as good for our dogs as advertised. Dogs have evolved to eat grains, so avoiding them is often not necessary.

There are not many medical problems that this breed suffers from that may require a change in diet. However, anything is technically possible. Ask your vet about any changes to your dog's diet that may be needed, especially as they age and develop health problems.


Escapos require a lot of exercise. They are very active dogs and do best in an active family. It is recommended that you aim for at least one hour of vigorous exercise a day. It could be a long walk, work or play time. Many of these dogs love games like fetch, which can help you dress them up without wearing them out. Some animal sports training can also fulfill this requirement.

Adequate exercise is recommended. Otherwise, these dogs may exhibit destructive behaviors such as digging and chewing. They will find ways to entertain themselves.

These dogs enjoy a fenced backyard, especially if you play games like fetch. However, as long as their needs are met they can adapt well to an apartment. You will likely have to take them on long walks in this situation, as they will be unable to meet their exercise needs at home. A dog walker is almost always needed unless a family member is home most of the day and takes them on more than one walk.

Although these dogs need a lot of exercise, they cannot be left alone in the yard for long periods of time. That need to be with their people As people-oriented dogs, they tend to get a little fussy if they are left alone for long periods of time.


These dogs are quite intelligent and people pleasers. They will learn quickly commands and obey them most of the time. They love obedience training and thrive in all types of classes. It is recommended that you enroll them in classes at an early age to challenge their minds and keep them mentally active. You'll need to continue training them into adulthood, as they can often get bored if left to their own devices.

Eventually, they'll likely learn all the useful commands you need. You'll likely need to do tricks that aren't practical at all, like jumping from a hula hoop. Often, your main problem will not be teaching these dogs commands, but finding new commands to teach them. Many people train their dogs to play games like fetch because they mentally run out of ways to motivate them.

These dogs make excellent therapy animals and can compete successfully in any dog ​​sport.


Depending on the traits they inherit, these dogs will require different levels of grooming. The type of grooming they need mainly depends on the type of coat they have. However, most of them will require high maintenance. Dogs with a poodle-like coat will need regular trimming by a groomer. Daily brushing is required to prevent matting, even if your dog is trimmer. A pin brush is often the best option for this, but this will mainly depend on the type of coat your dog has.

These dogs will not need frequent bathing. Too many baths can strip their skin of oil and cause skin problems. For this reason, we recommend giving them a bath when they are visibly dirty. For example, dogs that roll in mud need a bath. Dirty pond water and similar excursions will also prompt bathing. Keep bathing to a minimum and use a shampoo sensitive that is formulated for dogs. Human skin has a different pH than dogs so heavy human soaps can mess with dog skin.

You may want to take your dog to a groomer occasionally. This is especially true if trimming is required. We recommend that a local breeder has some experience with poodles, as this ensures that they can properly care for your dog's fur.

Like all dogs, they will need their teeth brushed a few times a week and their nails trimmed when necessary. You will need to brush your dog's teeth at home. However, if your nails are uncomfortable, a groomer can.

Start your puppy's grooming process early to ensure they are comfortable with the grooming required until they are older.

Health and conditions.

Mixed breeds are generally healthier than purebred dogs. Many purebred bloodlines have small gene pools, which is why breeds are so predictable. A Labrador Retriever will always like act a Labrador Retriever. However, it also means that rare genetic conditions become common. Dogs have fewer genes to inherit, making it more likely that they will inherit a gene that causes health problems.

Mixed breeds can inherit genes from two different breeds, effectively doubling their gene pool. This makes them less predictable. You don't know what you're going to get. However, it also has a direct impact on the genetic conditions they can inherit. They are less likely to carry a genetic condition that affects the dog breed.

However, there are some problems that may occur. For example, patellar luxation is common in smaller breeds. Since this dog is a little smaller, they are more prone to it. In this condition, the knee brace is slightly misaligned. Typically, the knee cap sits in a unique groove. However, sometimes the kneecap and this groove don't line up properly, so it has a hard time sitting as it's supposed to. This pain can lead to problems with walking, limping and so on. It can be fixed with surgery, but this is often expensive very.

This disease has a genetic component. However, it is present in both parent species so that an Escapo can in some cases inherit it from its parent. Ask any breeder about the dog's parents and whether they have been properly health checked. The health of the parents is usually a good indicator of what the health of their puppy will be.

  • Minor circumstances.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Serious situations.
  • Patellar luxury.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy.

Male versus female.

There is no significant difference between the  of this species. Often, dogs vary widely due to their large gene pool, which does not allow -specific traits to develop. Males can sometimes be larger than females. However, their size varies so widely that it is not unusual to find women who are quite large.

There is no significant difference in temperament between these two breeds.

Final thoughts.

The Escapo is an energetic, intelligent mixed breed that is perfect for an active family. They are often affectionate and friendly, especially when properly socialized at a young age. They get along relatively quickly with dogs, although their hunting drive makes them unsuitable for homes with cats and other small animals. They bond equally well with all members of their family and are generally great family pets.

They need a little mental and physical stimulation. Often, they need an hour or more of physical exercise and extensive mental stimulation each day. For this reason, we recommend them only for families with plenty of time. They are not dogs that lie on the couch for long periods of time. However, they are excellent hiking partners and will love to go for a walk in the park. They cannot be left alone for long periods of time, as they need regular interaction with people.

We recommend this breed for active families with plenty of time on their hands. If someone is usually at home, this dog may be perfect for your family.

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#Escapo (American Eskimo and Poodle Mix)

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