Thursday, 2 March 2023

Slow Feeder Dog Bowls: Benefits and Risks

Slow Feeder Dog Bowls: Benefits and Risks


  • When dogs eat too fast.
  • Why is your dog eating so quickly?
  • What exactly is a slow feeder bowl?
  • Benefits of Slow Feeder Bowls
  • Disadvantages of slow feeder bowls.
  • A few notes.
  • Result

Our dogs love mealtime, no question! But do you suspect that your dog might enjoy his food a little too much? Does she gorge on her food like it's her last meal? Your dog may benefit from feeding from a slow feeder bowl. These bowls look unusual, but they do a great job of slowing your dog down while he eats.

When dogs eat too fast.

Unfortunately, there are complications that can arise if your dog eats too fast, especially if she is a large or large breed. When eating, they inhale too much air, causing bloat or stomach distension (the medical term is gastric dilation and volvulus, also known as GDV) which can be fatal. They may also experience gastrointestinal problems, vomiting and choking.

Why is your dog eating so quickly?

Before you do anything else, it's a good idea to try to determine why your dog is gobbling up his food like there's no tomorrow.

If you have other dogs, your dog may be inhaling his food out of a sense of competition. You can feed each of your dogs in separate rooms to avoid this.
Is your dog hungry? How often do you feed him? If you are feeding him one meal a day, try to feed him two to four small meals a day.
Likewise, if your dog's food is high in nutrients and calories, it can limit how much your dog can eat at mealtime. If you switch to a high-fiber, low-calorie dog food, your dog may be slower to eat, which means feeding more at each meal.
If these thoughts and scenarios aren't relevant, and your dog seems to be starving most of the time, you should consider taking him to the vet. The veterinarian will perform tests to rule out any common problems that may be causing your dog's appetite.

However, if you are absolutely certain that your dog hoovering up his food is a behavioral trait, then slow feeder bowls may come in handy.

What exactly is a slow feeder bowl?

Slow feeder bowls are dog food bowls with a bunch of obstructions. These slow feeders come in a variety of materials - from brightly colored plastic to stainless steel - and offer several barriers to your dog's access to the food.

They use kibbles and other lumps and bumps that your dog needs to negotiate in order to eat. Some look like mini mazes, and others look like games or puzzles, but these bowls can help prevent serious medical conditions.

Benefits of Slow Feeder Bowls

Main of the one main benefits should be pretty obvious – slow feeders slow your dog down while eating. Regular bowls work great for dogs that don't inhale their food. Obstacles in slow feeders make eating more challenging, so your dog takes longer to eat. Which also means she won't push all that air down and cause GDV.

But there are other benefits:
Less likely to choke: Slowing down the eating process also means your dog is less likely to choke on his food. This gives him time to chew the food before swallowing.
Better digestion: Some dogs eat so fast that they vomit afterwards. These bowls give your dog time to properly digest her food, so she'll get the proper nutrients and is much less likely to throw up after eating.
Portion control: Since your dog takes longer to eat, allow him to feel full when he's finished. The sooner you scarf down your meal, the more likely you'll be hungry when you're done eating. Your stomach has not caught up with food yet.
Change in eating habits: Your dog may have gotten into the habit of grabbing his food because you own other dogs that eat from each other's bowls. Or possibly he's a rescue dog that developed bad eating habits. Slow feeder bowls force dogs to change their eating habits without you having to do anything else.
Memory skills: These bowls not only slow your dog down while eating, but also keep his mind sharp. Depending on the bowl, many of them are designed to make cooking more challenging for the dog. It provides valuable mental stimulation as it turns into a puzzle of sorts.
So, the benefits range from physical to your child's mental well-being but are there any downsides?

Disadvantages of slow feeder bowls.

We have established that slow feeder bowls have many advantages, which makes it difficult to believe that there can be any disadvantages. But there are

Tooth damage: If your dog is particularly excited while eating, there is a risk that she could damage her teeth. Some dogs can get frustrated trying to reach for food, and this is a possibility if the bowl is made of durable material. But the chances of that happening are not very high.
Plastic: If you buy a plastic bowl that is cheap and made of soft material, chances are your dog will eat small parts of the bowl.
Cleaning: Washing these bowls is definitely a challenge, thanks to all the nooks and crannies. The more the bowl is a puzzle and harder for the dog to eat, the harder it will be to clean.
Messes: Dogs are more prone to making messes when eating from these bowls, especially when trying to eat. Some dogs may even knock them over in their eagerness to get to the food. If you have a strong dog and you believe this is a problem, be sure to invest in a bowl that is sturdy and heavy.
If you find the right bowl for your dog, these issues will most likely not be a problem.

A few notes.

Just a few notes on finding the right bowl for your dog. Slow feeders will not work for any dogs that are picky eaters and are not necessarily food-obsessed. Your dog may be hungry and should only eat from regular bowls.

If you have a large dog, choose large and sturdy bowls and small bowls for small dogs. The more enthusiastic the eater, the stronger the bowl should be.

Finally, if your dog initially struggles with the new bowl, especially if it's a challenging slow feeder, take some time to show him how it works. Be patient, and she'll pick it up eventually.


It's good to have options when your dog likes to feed himself. If you can't afford a new dog bowl, you can also make your own version of a slow feeder. Filling some muffin tins can help slow the dog down. Or just try spreading small amounts of food in different places, if you don't mind the mess. And if you feed your dog canned food, try to squeeze it into the sides and corners of his bowl. It will take more effort to get it out.

We hope we have helped you and your word. We all know what it's like to be so hungry that you can eat almost anything, but we want your dogs to live long and healthy lives, and they need to not eat everything in sight. All at once.

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